New issue: Sign Systems Studies 42(4)

New issue: Sign Systems Studies 42(4)

Sign Systems Studies 42(4) The current issue contains four articles that can be brought together using the general key phrase ‘semiotics of culture extended’, thus proceeding from the main line of thought that has been characteristic of the journal. In addition, we are publishing a self-reflective review of contemporary semiotics in the form of…

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5th issue of the Southern Semiotic Review Jornal and Call for Papers

5th issue of the Southern Semiotic Review Jornal and Call for Papers

Issue 5 (1) 2015 of this widely read, international blind/peer reviewed journal is now available at: with articles by Augusto Ponzio, Göran Sonesson, Susan Petrilli, Donna West, George Rossolatos, Nicoleta Blanariu, Benson Igboin and Oluchi Igili. Submissions for next issue (s) welcome. Additional submission by same author welcome.

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CFP: Chinese Semiotic Studies

Chinese Semiotic Studies Call for Papers Publisher: De Gruyter Mouton ISSN 2198-9605, e-ISSN 2198-9613 Website: E-mail for submission: Dear colleagues, It has been 6 years since Chinese Semiotic Studies (CSS) started the publication of its first issue in 2009. And it is now published by De Gruyter Mouton with 4 issues per year….

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CFP: Ocula – Semiotic Eye on Media. The object is the “Semiotics of Economic Discourse”.

Semiotics of Economic Discourse Since the beginning of the crisis, some financial and economic terms have become familiar. Expressions such as “subprime”, “hedge fund”, “derivative”, “spread”, “quantitative easing”, “stress test”, “black pools”, “black liquidity” etc., are now habitual. We listen and read discussions about the distinction between “savings bank” and “investment bank”, between “public deficit”…

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CFP – Biosemiotics special issue: multi-level semiosis

Biosemiotics – special issue Call for papers The journal Biosemiotics (Springer) is preparing a special issue on “Multi-level semiosis: integrative approaches to biology, cognition and culture” guest-edited by Luis Emilio Bruni and Franco Giorgi. In the last two decades there has been an increasing interest in communication processes and sign-systems at all levels of complexity,…

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CFP: Lexia n. 21 – Censorship

CFP: Lexia n. 21 – Censorship

Lexia, the international, peer-reviewed, SCOPUS-indexed journal of CIRCE, the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Communication of the University of Turin, Italy, invites contributions to be published in issue n. 21. The topic of the forthcoming issue is “Censorship”. Expected publication schedule of the volume: June 15, 2015: deadline for contributions July 15, 2015: deadline for referees September…

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New issue: Sign Systems Studies 42(2/3)

New issue: Sign Systems Studies 42(2/3)

Sign Systems Studies 42(2/3)  Sign Systems Studies has been selected for inclusion in the Arts & Humanities Citation Index as well as Current Contents/Arts and Humanities, beginning with volume 41, issue 1, 2013.  CONTENTS ARTICLES * Kristian Tylén, Luis Emilio Bruni: Sign evolution on multiple time scales. Introductory comments * Winfried Nöth: The growth of…

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Ocula special issue “Commemorating Charles S. Peirce (1839-1914): interpretive semiotics and mass media”

Ocula special issue “Commemorating Charles S. Peirce (1839-1914): interpretive semiotics and mass media”

We are pleased to announce the publication of the Ocula special issue “Commemorating Charles S. Peirce (1839-1914): interpretive semiotics and mass media”. It includes contributions by: María de los Angeles Montes, Giorgio Borrelli, Geane Carvalho Alzamora, Valerio De Michele, Emanuele Fadda, Giacomo Festi, Jean Fisette, Carlos González Pérez, Tony Jappy, Toni Marino, Giampaolo Proni, Renira…

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Published new issue 17-18 of Lexia Journal of Semiotics

Download presentation-PDF: Lexia 17-18 Presentation materials Immagini efficaci Efficacious images “Viviamo nella società delle immagini” è ormai una frase senza senso. Se tutto è immagine, come distinguere tra visione e visione, a ognuna attribuendo una certa fattura, significazione, presa sul reale? Da tempo la semiotica si è data il compito di capire la sintassi delle immagini, il modo in…

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2nd volume of the International Journal of Marketing Semiotics PRESS RELEASE: LAUNCH OF THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MARKETING SEMIOTICS (IJMS) VOL.II We are pleased to announce the launch of the second issue of the International Journal of Marketing Semiotics. Almost three years have elapsed since the official release of the International Journal of Marketing Semiotics. During this period we have witnessed an…

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