Candidacy statement for the position of Secretary General by Clotilde Perez (first mandate as bureau member)

(Sigue el texto en español) CLOTILDE PEREZ Productivity Fellow of the National Council for Research and Development of the Federal Government (21-24). Full Professor of Semiotics at University of São Paulo –USP. PhD in Communication and Semiotics and Master’s in Administration from PUC SP. Post-doctorate in Communication from the University of Murcia, with a grant…

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Candidacy statement for the position of Vice President for the Americas by Claudio F. Guerri (first mandate as bureau member)

(Suit le texte en français) (Sigue el texto en español) Claudio F. Guerri is Consultant Professor at the Faculty of Architecture, Design, and Urbanism of the University of Buenos Aires (FADU-UBA). He has a PhD. in Architecture –Design Theory–, with a thesis “Aportes a una Teoría del Diseño: de la Teoría de la Delimitación al…

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Candidacy statement for the position of Vice Secretary General by Bruno Pompeu (first mandate as bureau member)

(follows in English) CV Coordinador y profesor de lenguaje publicitario, redacción publicitaria y semiótica del curso de Publicidad y Propaganda y del Programa de Posgrado en Ciencias de la Comunicación de la Universidad de São Paulo (ECA-USP y PPGCOM-USP). Doctor y maestría en Ciencias de la Comunicación por la Universidad de São Paulo (PPGCOM- USP)….

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Candidacy statement for the position of Vice President for Europe by Zdzisław Wąsik (first mandate as bureau member)

Zdzisław Wąsik (born 1947) is a Polish linguist and semiotician specializing in metascientific epistemology, mundane phenomenology, and philosophy of cosmology. He has publicized his own 7 books and 143 articles, and (co)edited 35 collective monographs. Out of his scholarly output, representative are his two books Epistemological Perspectives on Linguistic Semiotics (2003), From Grammar to Discourse:…

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Candidacy statement for the position of Vice President for the Americas by GRACIELA PARDO ABRIL (second mandate as bureau member)

Doctor in Hispanic Linguistics, Master in Hispanic Linguistics and Master in Educational Administration and Supervision. She has worked for more than 40 years visiting different universities in Colombia, Latin America and Europe. She is Full Professor at the Department of Linguistics of the National University of Colombia and a researcher linked to the Institute of…

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Candidacy statement of Sung Do KIM for President of the IASS/AIS (third mandate as bureau member)

(suit le texte en français) (sigue el texto en español) When the esteemed founders of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS-AIS)—including luminaries such as Lévi-Strauss, Roman Jakobson, Émile Benveniste, Julien Algirdas Greimas, and Umberto Eco—established the organization in Paris in 1969, they could hardly envision that, five decades later, a Korean semiotician would be…

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Candidate for the position of Vice-secretary General (second mandate as bureau member)

Marita Soto – Argentina (the text in English below) (suit le texte en français) Marita Soto es Vicepresidenta de la Asociación Argentina de Semiótica y Secretaria General Adjunta de la IASS-AIS (desde 2019). Doctora en Ciencias Sociales y Profesora Consulta de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Como Decana de Crítica de Artes – Universidad…

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Candidate for Vice-President Europe IASS/AIS (fourth mandate as board member, 2 mand. 2004-2014; 1 mand. 2019-2024)

JOSÉ MARÍA PAZ GAGO  (suit le texte en français) Professor of Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature at the University of La Coruña (Spain) as well as at the University of Paris 3-Sorbonne Nouvelle (2008-2012). Visiting professor at the Universities of California-Santa Bárbara, Rosario e Córdoba (Argentina), UNISINOS and Universidade de Sao Paulo (Brasil), Universidad…

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Joint candidacy statement of JACQUES FONTANILLE for President, TIZIANA MIGLIORE for Secretary General and NEDRET KILIÇERI ÖSTOKAT for Treasurer (first mandate for all three candidates)

(suit le texte en français) (sigue el texto en español) Jacques Fontanille, for the position of President Jacques Fontanille is emeritus professor of semiotics at the University of Limoges, and at the Institut Universitaire de France. He is also Honorary President of International Association of Visual Semiotics, French Association of Semiotics and Roman Federation for…

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Candidate for the position of  Vice-President China (first mandate as bureau member)

Hongbing Yu Associate Professor, Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada Distinguished Research Fellow, Nanjing Normal University, China Curriculum Vitae I am currently serving as President of Semiotic Society of America and Secretary General of Asian Semiotics International Association, in addition to key leadership roles at two major semiotic centers in China, to wit, Executive Director of “International…

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