Call Vol 11 n. 2, 2024 CALL FOR PAPERS Viral Blame. Shifting Responsibility in Media Discourses Editor: Marianna Boero, University of Teramo (Italy) Cristina Greco, Zayed University (U.A.E.) Submission Deadline: November 30, 2024 Notification of acceptance: December 15, 2024 Publication date: December 31, 2024 Contributions must be sent to the e-mail addresses: In line…
Studia Semiotyczne” – calls for papers 2025
On behalf of the Polish Semiotic Society and prof. Tadeusz Ciecierski – editor-in-chief of “Studia Semiotyczne” (_Semiotic Studies_) I would like to bring your attention to the new Calls for Papers for articles submission to “Studia Semiotyczne” 2025: 1) SEMIOTICS, ARTS AND REALITY Deadline for submissions: the end of January 2025 (guest editor Małgorzata Gamrat)…
Seminar “Sign – Language – Reality”
On behalf of the Polish Semiotic Society and its president prof. Tadeusz Ciecierski I would like to bring your attention to a seminar “Sign – Language – Reality” founded by Jerzy Pelc that we continue online twice per month, on Thursdays at 5 PM CET. The schedule of the seminar, links, and abstracts for each…
Book Publication – Semiotic Ideologies. Patterns of Meaning–Making in Language and Society
Semiotic Ideologies. Patterns of Meaning–Making in Language and SocietyAuthor: Massimo Leone This book offers a comprehensive exploration of language and semiotic ideologies, focusing on how societies construct meaning through verbal and non-verbal communication. It distinguishes itself by adopting a novel approach that bridges linguistics, semiotics, and anthropology. The research dives into uncharted territory, shedding light…
Publication of deSignis 41: Memes y cultura digital: transformaciones en elcampo de la mediatización
Dear colleagues, The team at DeSignis, an international peer-reviewed journal of the Latin American Federation of Semiotics (FELS), is delighted to announce the publication of its 41 st issue, covering the period from July to December 2024. Titled Memes y cultura digital: transformaciones en el campo de la mediatización, the issue focuses on memes and…
Call for Papers – Nanjing Normal University Semiotics Symposium 2025
Nanjing Normal University Semiotics Symposium 2025 Announcement & Call for Paper (November 1, 2024) Call for Papers (Download) Pre-registratrion form (Download) Following the success of the NNU Semiotics Symposium on “Releasing the Meaning of Literary Language: The Confluence of Literature, Cognitive Sciences, and Semiotics” (June 15th–16th, 2024), we are pleased to announce that our next…
Punctum Semiotics Monographs
VOLUME 2: Nicola Dusi and Charo Lacalle (eds.) Chernobyl Calling. Narrative, Intermediality and Cultural Memory of a Docu-fiction. (Thessaloniki: Hellenic Semiotics Society, 2024, pp. 187, ISBN 972-618-82184-4-4) Table of Contents Nicola Dusi and Charo Lacalle, Cultural memory and the transmedia semiosphere – Giorgio Grignaffini, Chernobyl: A miniseries between fiction and reality – Nicola Dusi, History, drama, retelling: Intermedial realism in…
Séminaire International de Sémiotique à Paris – Intelligence artificielle générative et nouveaux enjeux sémiotiques. Traduction et appropriations créatives
Cher.e.s collègues, Maria Giulia Dondero a le grand plaisir de vous transmettre l’argumentaire et le programme du Séminaire International de Sémiotique à Paris, qu’elle organise avec Juan Alonso. Il aura pour titre cette année « Intelligence artificielle générative et nouveaux enjeux sémiotiques. Traduction et appropriations créatives ». Nous vous accueillerons avec le plus grand enthousiasme !La première séance du séminaire est fixée au 13 novembre prochain….
Call for Papers “THE CULTURAL EXPLOSION OF AI: Navigating the Intersection of Artificial Intelligence, Society, and Culture”
Digital Age in Semiotics and Communication Issue 8 . Artificial intelligence has burst into the cultural space with the speed of an explosion. As with any powerful explosion, its initial impact is a spectacular blinding flash, followed by a shock wave with real effects. Perhaps we are still at the very beginning, but often the…
Call for Participation EFSS XXVIII 9-12 September 2024 “The Cultural Explosion of AI”
Artificial intelligence has burst into the cultural space with the speed of an explosion. As with any powerful explosion, its initial impact is a spectacular blinding flash, followed by a shock wave with real effects. Perhaps we are still at the very beginning, but often the intensity of the blinding flash is proportional to the…