The IASS strongly opposes the invasion and occupation of a sovereign European state like Ukraine by the armed forces of the Russian Federation, which is against international law. We declare our solidarity with the Ukrainian people and our Ukrainian colleagues from universities and scientific organizations. For democracy and academic freedom! Never again war in Europe!

Welcome to the website of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS). We are a global scholarly organization devoted to the study of the sign and semiosis in all their ramifications across nature and culture.

The International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS) — L’Association Internationale de Sémiotique (AIS) was founded in 1969 and is the world’s leading organization in semiotics. It’s official languages are English, French, Spanish and German.

The IASS-AIS has both individual and collective members (international and multinational associations dealing with the semiotics of particular topics, national semiotics associations, regional groups, research centers, etc.). Counted among its founding members are scholars such as Algirdas Julien Greimas, Roman Jakobson, Julia Kristeva, Émile Benveniste, Thomas A. Sebeok, and Jurij M. Lotman.

The current Bureau of the IASS, elected in Warsaw (September 2024) for the 2024-2029 term, is composed as follows:

PRESIDENT: Jacques Fontanille (France)
0000-0003-1141-1596 | 26036915300 | U-1542-2019

SECRETARY GENERAL: Tiziana Migliore (Italy)
0000-0003-1501-7983 | 55795087000 |

TREASURER: Nedret Öztokat (Turkey)
0000-0003-3445-1275 | | AAC-6627-2020

VICE-SECRETARY GENERAL: Marita Soto (Argentina)
| |


  • for Europe: Zdzisław Wąsik (Poland)
    | |
  • for the Americas: Claudio F. Guerri (Argentina)
    0009-0004-1394-1843 | 56432526100 |
  • for Asia and Oceania, excluding China: Seema Khanwalkar (India)
    0000-0003-4027-2812 | |
  • for Africa: Joseph Paré (Burkina Faso)
    | |
  • for China: Hongbing Yu (Canada and China)
     0000-0002-1944-1514 | 55584498700 | LFV-1551-2024


  • Stéphanie Walsh Matthews (Canada)
    0009-0004-1363-4464 | 57193224469 | FKK-8025-2022
  • Massimo Leone (Italy)
    0000-0002-8144-4337 | 35199859000 | U-3689-2019
  • Jamin Pelkey (Canada)
    0000-0002-0069-0617 | 55761050300 |  AAA-8514-2021


  • Communications Manager: Alexandre Provin Sbabo (Brazil)
     0000-0001-5231-0658 |   |
  • Social Media Manager: Sebastián Moreno (Uruguay)
    0000-0003-3551-7117 |  57219166189 | JPX-0465-2023

Eero Tarasti (Finland)
Umberto Eco ✝ (Italy)
Jerzy Pelc ✝ (Poland)
Roland Posner ✝ (Germany)
Cesare Segre ✝ (Italy)
Gloria Withalm (Austria)
0009-0005-0676-8189 | 26036803100 | JXN-1001-2024

According to Article 2 of the Statuts de l’Association Internationale de Sémiotique, the IASS-AIS has the following goals:

  1. Promoting the integrity of semiotics as scientific research (Promouvoir les recherches sémiotiques dans un esprit scientifique);
  1. Strengthening and broadening international ties within the field of semiotics (Renforcer la coopération internationale dans ce domaine);
  1. Reinforcing collaborations with similar associations (Collaborer avec d’autres associations similaires);
  1. Organising conferences and workshops both at the national and international level (Organiser des colloques nationaux et internationaux et des stages de formation);
  1. Publishing an international journal, Semiotica (Publier une revue internationale [. . .]: Semiotica).

The IASS-AIS comprises nearly 800 members representing all continents. Combined with the members of affiliated multinational, national, regional associations, research groups and circles, the Association represents more than thousand of semioticians who are organized all over the world.

The major governing body of the IASS is the General Assembly (GA). The GA is convened during the world Congress. During the GA, all present members elect national and scholarly association representatives to the Executive Committee/Comité Directeur for a five-year period. Since the General Assembly held in Sofia in 2014, this group has represented 83 different countries (with each country having no more than two representatives).

The Executive Committee (EC) elects the Bureau of the IASS, whose representatives also serve a five-year term. The Bureau of the IASS-AIS consists of 11 members (the President, five Vice-Presidents, a Secretary General, an Assistant Secretary General, a Treasurer, an Assistant Treasurer, and the Editor-in-Chief of Semiotica).

Short history

Tasks for the future