Dear friends, dear colleagues, We are pleased to announce the publication of issue 132 (01/2025) of Actes Sémiotiques ( This issue contains a monographic dossier entitled Du sens à l’action. Une rencontre entre sémiotique et pragmatique autour du concept de “force”, edited by Sophie ANQUETIL and Nicolas COUÉGNAS, several texts and a mini-dossier, Énonciation et…
Journal: Semiotic Review
Semiotic Review Nous avons le plaisir de vous communiquer des nouvelles de la revue Semiotic Review. Cette revue a vu le jour en 1990 grâce à l’initiative de Paul Bouissac, son fondateur. Aujourd’hui, elle se renouvelle sous la direction de deux nouveaux rédacteurs en chef, Meghanne Barker (University College London) et Constantine Nakassis (University of Chicago)….
Publication of deSignis hors serie 3: Cocina, gusto, identidad (2024)
Dear IASS colleagues, DeSignis, an international peer-reviewed journal of the Latin American Federation of Semiotics (FELS), is happy to announce the publication of its third hors serie issue. With the title Cocina, gusto, identidad, the issue was edited by Francesco Mangiapane, Carina Perticone and Ilaria Ventura Bordenca. It is available as open access and can…

Book of Abstracts: Warsaw – Signs ans Realities
We are pleased to announce that the paper edition of the Book of Abstracts is now available! To receive a copy, please send a message to Olga Lesicka ( or Elena Janchuk ( with your postal address. They will arrange for the book to be sent to you by post. Cover
Call for Papers “THE CULTURAL EXPLOSION OF AI: Navigating the Intersection of Artificial Intelligence, Society, and Culture”
Digital Age in Semiotics and Communication Issue 8 . Artificial intelligence has burst into the cultural space with the speed of an explosion. As with any powerful explosion, its initial impact is a spectacular blinding flash, followed by a shock wave with real effects. Perhaps we are still at the very beginning, but often the…

Book Publication – Spaces for Nostalgia : Difficult Memories and Material Consolations
Panico, Mario. 2024. Spaces for Nostalgia : Difficult Memories and Material Consolations. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. How is nostalgia expressed through space? Studies of nostalgia have long illustrated the emotional dynamics which condition our desire to go back to a time and a space that belong to the past. This book addresses this condition from an…

Journal Publication : Punctum-International Journal of Semiotics, volume 10, issue 1.
The new issue of Punctum-International Journal of Semiotics (, volume 10, issue 1, is dedicated to “The Semiotics of Animation. From Traditional Forms to Contemporary Innovations” and co-edited by Ilia Katsaridou (Ionian University) and Loukia Kostopoulou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki).
Book Publication : Bruno Latour in the Semiotic Turn. An Inquiry into the Networks of Meaning
Peverini, Paolo. Bruno Latour in the Semiotic Turn. An Inquiry into the Networks of Meaning. Cham: Springer, 2024 This open access book highlights the link between Bruno Latour’s works and the semiotic perspective on social phenomena analysis. It identifies and relaunches a dialogue that was as heated as it was fruitful, but still little recognized within the social sciences….
Journal Publication : Estudos Semióticos
Nous sommes heureux d’annoncer la parution du Vol. 20 No 3 (2024) de la revue brésilienne Estudos Semióticos. Le dossier thématique Du Sens II, quarante ans plus tard : la pensée de Greimas en devenir, dirigé par Jacques Fontanille (Université de Limoges), Ivã Carlos Lopes (USP) et Eliane Soares de Lima (UFF), est disponible en portugais, anglais…

Book Publication – Inversioni. Senso dell’insensato
Ceriani, Giulia. Inversioni. Senso dell’insensato. Milano : Mimesis, 2024. Viviamo in una congiuntura che privilegia, in apparenza, la bulimia del senso. Siamo risucchiati da ipertestualità, intertestualità, eccedenze, escrescenze, ipertrofie: dalla saturazione mediale alla fascinazione dei big data, dalla dispersione della reticolarità all’eterno ritorno escheriano del gaming. La moltiplicazione per eccesso produce desemantizzazione: categoria difficile, scivolosa, solo…