IASS Election: Stéphanie Walsh Matthews Vice-Treasurer Candidature

Candidature for the role of Vice-Treasurer for a next term within the IAS-AISS. As an Associate Professor of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures and in the Graduate Program of Communication and Cultures at Ryerson University, I have developed and taught courses on Semiotics, Anthropology, Linguistics, Culture Studies, and Literatures. I have been an executive member of…

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CFP: Punctum-International Journal of Semiotics 5 (2) dedicated to the Semiotics of Monuments.

Call for Papers Semiotics of Monuments: Politics & Form from the 20th to the 21st century Special issue of Punctum. International Journal of Semiotics Editors: Lia Yoka and Federico Bellentani The culture of monuments and memorials has undergone a profound transformation since World War II. Their material form and aesthetics has changed, while their function…

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Journal: Biosemiotics. Volume 11 Number 3

Dear Reader, We are pleased to deliver your requested table of contents alert for Biosemiotics. Volume 11 Number 3 is now available online. In this issue Phenomenology and Biosemiotics Morten Tønnessen, Timo Maran & Alexei Sharov » Abstract   » Full text HTML   » Full text PDF From the Hiatus Model to the Diffuse Discontinuities: A Turning Point in Human-Animal Studies…

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IASS Election: José María Paz Gago Vice-president Candidature

CANDIDAT AU POSTE DE VICE-PRESIDENT EUROPE IASS/AIS JOSÉ MARÍA PAZ GAGO est Professeur en Théorie de la Littérature et en Littérature Comparée à l’Université de La Coruña (Espagne) ainsi que à l’Université de Paris 3-Sorbonne Nouvelle (2008-2012). Il a été secrétaire général de l’IASS/AIS entre 2004 et 2014 et il est actuellement Président de la…

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IASS Election: Marita Soto Vice-secretary General Candidature

Candidatura Vice Secretaria General Adjunta   Marita Soto – Argentina Doctora en Ciencias Sociales, UBA. Decana de Crítica de Artes, UNA. Docente e investigadora en diferentes universidades nacionales, al frente de asignaturas específicamente semióticas tales como Semiótica de los Géneros Contemporáneos, Semiótica de las Artes. Durante su gestión se han implementado las Licenciatura en Curaduría…

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IASS Election: Mohamed Bernoussi Vice-President Candidature

Candidate for Vice-President (Africa) Mohamed Bernoussi is Full Professor of Semiotics at the University of Meknes. He is interested in the works of Umberto Eco, intracultural problems in Morocco and the Arab world and in intercultural conflicts between East and West. He recently published: Principes de la sémiotique du texte (Principles of the semiotics of…

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IASS Election: joint candidacy statement of incumbents, Kristian Bankov (Secretary General), Paul Cobley (President) and Daina Teters (Treasurer)

JOINT CANDIDACY STATEMENT OF INCUMBENTS, KRISTIAN BANKOV, PAUL COBLEY AND DAINA TETERS FOR SECRETARY-GENERAL, PRESIDENT AND TREASURER OF THE IASS 2019, RESPECTIVELY Kristian Bankov, Secretary-General Kristian Bankov is Professor in Semiotics at New Bulgarian University and Director of the Southeast European Center for Semiotic Studies. His interests in semiotics started during the early nineties when…

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IASS Election: Lucrecia Escudero Vice-President Candidature

CANDIDATURA VICE PRESIDENTE AIS-IASS PARA AMERICA LATINA Lucrecia Escudero: académica argentina, miembro de AIS (1979), AAS, AFS, LASA. MCHC de Teoría y  Modelos en Comunicación Universidad de Lille, investigadora asociada (EHESS) Laboratoire Mondes  Américaines UMR8168. Participa redes LAPREC UAB (España) e ICARIBE (Erasmus Building). Profesor Doctorado Socio Semiótica en la UNC; Doctorado en Comunicación en…

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IASS Election: Dinda L. Gorlée Vice-President Candidature

CANDIDACY FOR VICE-PRESIDENT EUROPE IASS: Dinda L. Gorlée (The Hague, the Netherlands) (http://www.dindagorlee.com/) is a semiotician of applied linguistics (Peirce, Jakobson, Wittgenstein) and translation theoretician (philosophical, legal, and musical translation). With a dual PhD in translation theory and semiotics from University of Amsterdam, she worked as general linguist at the Wittgenstein Archives at University of…

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IASS Election: Zhang Jie Vice-President Candidature

Candidate for Vice President Zhang Jie (China) Curriculum Vitae I am Full Professor of Semiotics and Literary Theory at Nanjing Normal University, China. Currently I am serving as Treasurer in the Bureau of the IASS-AIS, as Chief of the China Semiotic Alliance (the alliance of the five major semiotics centers in mainland China), Honorary President…

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IASS Election: Neyla Pardo Vice-President Candidature

Candidate for Vice-President NEYLA GRACIELA PARDO ABRIL Bogotá – Colombia PhD in Hispanic Linguistics, MA in Hispanic Linguistics, and MA in Administration and Educational Supervision. She has worked for more than 30 years as a teacher and researcher at different universities in the country and abroad. Full Professor of the Department of Linguistics of Universidad…

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