IASS Election: Dinda L. Gorlée Vice-President Candidature


Dinda L. Gorlée (The Hague, the Netherlands) (http://www.dindagorlee.com/) is a semiotician of applied linguistics (Peirce, Jakobson, Wittgenstein) and translation theoretician (philosophical, legal, and musical translation). With a dual PhD in translation theory and semiotics from University of Amsterdam, she worked as general linguist at the Wittgenstein Archives at University of Bergen and Visiting Professor of semiotics and translation theory at the Universities of Groningen, Amsterdam, Ouagadougou, São Paulo, Vienna, and Innsbruck. Gorlée’s last academic function was Visiting Professor at University of Helsinki and is now attached to Wittgenstein Archives at University of Bergen. Invited by Thomas A. Sebeok, she was Research Associate in Research Center for Language and Semiotic Studies at Indiana University in Bloomington and Peirce Edition Project in Indianapolis (1988-1992).

Gorlée has been member of International Association of Semiotic Studies (IASS) since the World Congress at Vienna (1979). Gorlée founded the Norwegian Association for Semiotic Studies and was elected as first President of Nordic Association of Semiotic Studies (NASS). In IASS, Gorlée serves as National Executive for Norway and the Netherlands. In the World Congress at Kaunas (2016), Gorlée was elected and appointed as member of IASS Collegium and has been plenary speaker at World Congress at Sofia (2014) and Buenos Aires (2019). Gorlée has been awarded the IASS Mouton d’Or Award (2016).

Gorlée’s recent books include: Wittgenstein in Translation: Exploring Semiotic Signatures (2012) and From Translation to Transduction: The Glassy Essence of Intersemiosis (2015) and forthcoming Wittgenstein’s Secret Diaries: Cryptography and Semiotics (2019). The recent articles include: “From words and sentences to interjections: The anatomy of exclamations in Peirce and Wittgenstein” (2015), “On habit: Peirce ‘s story and history” (2016 ), “Intersemioticity and intertextuality: Picaresque and romance in opera” (2016), “Wittgenstein’s persuasive rhetoric” (2016), “From Peirce’s pragmatic maxim to Wittgenstein’s language-games” (2017), “Semiotics” and “Sign” (2018).


As multilingual linguist of English, Dutch, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, with classical Latin and Greek, Gorlée has functioned as international scholar of semiotics. She has worked for the cooperation of the international groups to introduce semiotics to worldwide humanities. Now the task will be to introduce young semioticians to semiotic theory with knowledge of the doctrine of Saussure and Peirce, and the semiotic theories of Jakobson, Greimas, Sebeok, Lotman, Lévi-Strauss, Eco, and other semiotic thinkers after them. Not all interested students come from a university with classes in semiotics and many need guidance to proceed with semiotic involvement. My own private library of semiotics is available for use of visitors. Importantly for the future of IASS, I can give advice on getting introduced to the new cognitive development of linguistic and non-linguistic semiotics.

Despite the political integration of European countries, Europe remains a continent speaking many languages and with cultural identities of different kinds. The true universality of Europe is an illusion. Although the English language has turned into the universal language of semiotics, semiotics still consists in the union of national associations speaking local languages brought together within the World Congresses for unity. European semiotics must actively facilitate the efforts of semiotic individual or national groups to unite into a true European association of semioticians. This activity can federate interdisciplinary, metadisciplinary, and transdisciplinary semiotics to their potentials in local and global intellectual life.

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