Call for papers: 45th Annual Conference (Virtual) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (October 20-23, 2021)

Addressing Precarity: Semiotics, Semiosis, and Semioethics The 45th Annual Conference (Virtual)Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, October 20-23, 2021 The theme for this year’s conference is Addressing Precarity: Semiotics, Semiosis, and Semioethics. The conference centers on considering precarity through the framework of semiotics. Presenters are encouraged to develop panels and submissions that consider semiosis, semioethics, and precarity. As…

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New Book: Theory and Methodology of Semiotics

The Tradition of Ferdinand de Saussure by Alexandros Ph. Lagopoulos and Karin Boklund-Lagopoulou The book is an in-depth presentation of the European branch of semiotic theory, originating in the work of Ferdinand de Saussure. It has four parts: a historical introduction, the analysis of langue, narrative theory and communication theory.  Part I briefly presents all the semiotic…

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New issue of Chinese Semiotic Studies

Editor In Chief: Yongxiang Wang Volume 16 (2020): Issue 4 (Nov 2020) Contents Part One: Bridging the East–West Semiotic Divide — Jie Zhang & Hongbing Yu A Cultural Semiotics of Jingshen: A Manifesto – 515 — Zhong Chen & Tingting Yao The Cognitive Paradigm of Jingshen – 535 — Part Two: Cultural Signs and the Adaptation…

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Oscar Traversa (1940-2020)

Tuvo una buena vida. Lo creemos. Oscar reafirmó sus elecciones, sus acciones atendiendo siempre a sus proyectos y a los de los otros. Antes del comienzo del último congreso mundial de semiótica en Buenos Aires -2019-, recordaba los inicios de la asociación (grupo, agrupamiento…) en 1970 mientras trabajaba entusiasta en la organización del encuentro. Hasta…

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New Call for Chapters: Handbook of Brand Semiotics & Discourse Analysis

Target Release date: Q4 2021 (est.) Editors: Dr. George Rossolatos &  1 Co-editor (TBC) Introduction:  The market opportunity  Semiotics has exerted a paramount influence on marketing practice and research over the past 40 years. Semiotic concepts have been applied successfully to territories, such as brand and product design, packaging and advertising development and analysis. The analytical, interpretive…

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New book in Turkish: Literary Semiotics: A Theory A Practice – Meaning Production Processes

by Murat KALELİOĞLU Yazınsal Göstergebilim: Bir Kuram Bir Uygulama – Anlam Üretim Süreçleri [Literary Semitoics: A Theory A Practice – Meaning Production Processes] Purpose of this book in which theory and practice presented together is to contribute to fulfiling the need of practical sources in the field of semiotics. As well as demonstrating hypothetic information, the…

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Cygne noir – Revue d’exploration sémiotique. No. 8 is out!

no 8 | 2020 : Quand ego signe. Sémiotique, fantasme, fantaisie Fantasme et fantaisie partagent une même racine étymologique grecque : φαντασία et φάντασμα renvoient tous deux à l’idée d’apparition, d’image présentée à l’esprit. Tour à tour construction imaginaire, vision hallucinatoire, illusion ou rêverie, la fantaisie est aussi associée à la liberté psychique du sujet, à la…

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New CFP: “The Visual Culture of SARS-CoV-2”

edited by Tarcisio Lancioni and Federica Villa Nel corso dell’ultimo anno, la pandemia di SARS-CoV-2 (COVID 19) ha segnato il modo di vivere di pressoché ogni comunità del pianeta, mettendo a repentaglio la vita degli individui, condizionandone le prospettive e i progetti, e trasformando le forme significanti attraverso cui, nelle diverse culture, si organizzano le…

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New issue of Lexia!

ISLANDNESS. TOWARD A CULTURAL SEMIOTICS OF ISLANDS edited by Franciscu Sedda and Paolo Sorrentino Dire “isola” sembra implicare un senso di chiusura, oggettivazione, naturalità, sintetizzato dal concetto d’insularità. Il volume vuole invece cogliere la soggettività delle isole e di chi le popola. Per farlo tesse connessioni fra mito e storia, utopia e distopia, metafora e modelli,…

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New issue of DEGRES is out!

The last issue of the international journal DEGRES (182-183, fall 2020) has just been published. It is devoted to semiotic approaches of the pandemic. Quels sont les marqueurs sémiotiques qui ont caractérisé la communication de la crise sanitaire de la Covid-19. Dans quelle mesure la variation est-elle le marqueur sémiotique le plus pertinent?  Here the…

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