IO2S Deely – Closing Remarks

Dear all, Our shared endeavor has led to a new beginning. Let it be a plentiful and rewarding one for all parties. Organized by 21 individuals—coming from Albania, Argentina, Brazil, Egypt, Iran, Japan, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and Venezuela—affiliated with 12 institutions headquartered or first laid…

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Appel à contribution: revue Gragoatá, v. 28, n. 62

Chères collègues, Chers collègues Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à contribuer avec un article au volume 28, n. 62 de la revue Gragoatá : Interactions entre les langues, les langages, les pratiques sociales et les formes de vie. Organisateurs : Pierluigi Basso Fossali (Université Lumière Lyon 2/ENS de Lyon) et Renata Mancini (Universidade…

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Meeting details updated – Seminar: “Semiotics and City Poetics: Jakobson’s Theory and Praxis”, by Mary Coghill (13th January 2023, 15.45-17.30 (GMT) on Zoom)

The semiotics of urban poetics and Formalist praxis – Jakobson’s contribution to urban poetics. Analysis of the metonym is neglected in poetry. In city poetry, shifters and deictics are particular tools which provide for a city narrator and explore the city’s nature and effects – the city and the human. This is a presentation with…

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Call for papers: International Conference “Semiosis in Communication. New Challenges of Multimodality in the Digital Age” (Bucharest, June 22-24, 2023)

Chers collègues, Je vous souhaite un joyeux Nouvel An !!Veuillez touvez ci-joint l’appel à communications pour le Colloque International “Semiosis in Communication: New Challenges of Multimodality in the Digital Age” qui aura lieu à Bucharest, 22-24 juin, 2023. CordialementEvangelos Kourdis

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Seminar: “Semiotics and City Poetics: Jakobson’s Theory and Praxis”, by Mary Coghill (13th January 2023, 15.45-17.30 (GMT) on Zoom)

The semiotics of urban poetics and Formalist praxis – Jakobson’s contribution to urban poetics. Analysis of the metonym is neglected in poetry. In city poetry, shifters and deictics are particular tools which provide for a city narrator and explore the city’s nature and effects – the city and the human. This is a presentation with…

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Nouvelle parution: “Sens de la transcendance. Études sur la spiritualité”, dirigée par Louis Hébert, Étienne Pouliot, Éric Trudel et George Vasilakis

Chères collègues, chers collègues… J’ai le plaisir de vous annoncer la parution de : – Louis Hébert, Étienne Pouliot, Éric Trudel, George Vasilakis (dir.), Sens de la transcendance. Études sur la spiritualité, Paris, Classiques Garnier. Veuillez trouver ci-inclus la fiche de l’ouvrage ainsi que la table des matières. Le lien sur le site de l’éditeur est le…

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A Semiotic Perspective of Cognition: John Deely on the Role of Signs in Human Knowing (January 7)

Do your best… and you will rise to the occasion of this new beginning revolving around signs and human cognition. A lecture followed by the closing ceremony of the IO2S Deely, featuring a line-up of very distinguished guests. Event times around the world IO2S ⚘ A Semiotic Perspective of Cognition: John Deely on the Role…

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Becoming Minority: Subjectivity and Suprasubjectivity (January 6)

Follow the leads… and you will turn back in awe at the semiotic itinerary involved in the process of becoming. Event times around the world IO2S ⚘ Becoming Minority: Subjectivity and Suprasubjectivity January 6, 2023 / 6pm (IRST), 2h30pm (UTC) Lecturer: Mahmoud Reza Moghaddam Shad Commentator: Susannah Ticciati Chair: Yulia Nikitenko Meeting room: Stream…

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The Agonistic Dimension of Peircean Semiotics and Its Postmodern Interpretations: Sebeok, Deely, Petrilli (January 5)

Be aware… and you will be mindful of a notable ambiguity in semiotics as well as of those who have masterfully strived to transcend it. Event times around the world IO2S ⚘ The Agonistic Dimension of Peircean Semiotics and Its Postmodern Interpretations January 5, 2023 / 6pm (CET), 5pm (UTC) Lecturers: Ionut Untea Commentator: Elize…

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Victoria Lady Welby, a Significian of our Times (January 4)

Listen closely… and you will never lose track of the name of the founding mother of significs. Event times around the world IO2S ⚘ Victoria Lady Welby, a Significian of our Times January 4, 2023 / 5pm (CET), 4pm (UTC) Lecturer: Susan Petrilli Commentators: Clara Chapdelaine-Feliciati and Zoe Hurley Chair: Yulia Nikitenko Meeting room:…

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