Journée d’études: “Ancrage sémiotique de l’intelligence artificielle” (17 mai, 2024 / Paris, France)

Chers, chères,  Je suis Marco Giacomazzi, doctorand en sémiotique dans le cours Philosopohy, Science, Cognition and Semiotics à l’université de Bologne sous la direction du professeur Claudio Paolucci et Anna Maria Lorusso. Je viens de terminer une periode de visite à l’université de technologie de Compiègne sous la direction du professeur Bruno Bachimont. J’ai le plaisir de…

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Summer school: “L’Ecole de la rature – Emilio Isgrò” (24-29 juin, 2024 / Urbino, Italia)

Cher.e.s collègues, cher.e.s ami.e.s, l’Université de Urbino, en collaboration avec l’Académie des Beaux Arts de Urbino, l’ISIA, le Centre International de Sciences Sémiotiques de Urbino et l’Association Italienne d’Études Sémiotiques, entre les autres partenaires, ouvre l’Ecole de la rature Emilio Isgrò, un cours tout dédié au sujet de l’effacement, qui esttransversal dans les disciplines et les professions et encore très…

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Candidacy statement for the position of Vice President for Europe by Zdzisław Wąsik (first mandate as bureau member)

Zdzisław Wąsik (born 1947) is a Polish linguist and semiotician specializing in metascientific epistemology, mundane phenomenology, and philosophy of cosmology. He has publicized his own 7 books and 143 articles, and (co)edited 35 collective monographs. Out of his scholarly output, representative are his two books Epistemological Perspectives on Linguistic Semiotics (2003), From Grammar to Discourse:…

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CANDIDACY STATEMENT AS VICE-PRESIDENT OF IASS IN CHARGE OF THE AFRICAN CONTINENT (2024-2029) – third mandate as bureau member, 2 mand. 2004-2014

Jean-Claude MBARGA Full Professor, University of Yaoundé I (Cameroon)   0- PRELIMINARY Dear colleagues members of the General Assembly, Dear colleagues semioticians, During a very long time, Africa was completely banished from the world map of Semiotics. As a matter of fact, since the creation of IASS in 1969 until July 8, 2004, ie, during…

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Candidacy statement for the position of Vice President for the Americas by GRACIELA PARDO ABRIL (second mandate as bureau member)

Doctor in Hispanic Linguistics, Master in Hispanic Linguistics and Master in Educational Administration and Supervision. She has worked for more than 40 years visiting different universities in Colombia, Latin America and Europe. She is Full Professor at the Department of Linguistics of the National University of Colombia and a researcher linked to the Institute of…

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Candidacy statement for the position of Vice President for Europe by Karin Boklund-Lagopoulou (first mandate as bureau member)

(suit le texte en français) (sigue el texto en español) Curriculum vitae Karin Boklund-Lagopoulou is Professor Emerita of the School of English, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, where she taught medieval and Renaissance literature and literary theory and was for many years responsible for postgraduate programs in European Literature and Culture and Translation and Interpretation,…

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Journée d’études: “Génération ou interprétation ? — L’IA en débat” (3 mai 2024, 9h -18h / en présence et à distance)

Le Laboratoire ERTIM de l’INaLCO, l’Institut Ferdinand de Saussure et le collectif La Reconstruction ont le plaisir de vous inviter à cette journée d’étude : Génération ou interprétation ? — L’IA en débat Le vendredi 3 mai 2024, 9h -18h à l’Inalco  2, rue de Lille, 75007 Paris. (amphithéâtre Georges Dumézil, rez-de-chaussée) En présence et à…

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Candidacy statement of Sung Do KIM for President of the IASS/AIS (third mandate as bureau member)

(suit le texte en français) (sigue el texto en español) When the esteemed founders of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS-AIS)—including luminaries such as Lévi-Strauss, Roman Jakobson, Émile Benveniste, Julien Algirdas Greimas, and Umberto Eco—established the organization in Paris in 1969, they could hardly envision that, five decades later, a Korean semiotician would be…

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Candidate for the position of Vice-secretary General (second mandate as bureau member)

Marita Soto – Argentina (the text in English below) (suit le texte en français) Marita Soto es Vicepresidenta de la Asociación Argentina de Semiótica y Secretaria General Adjunta de la IASS-AIS (desde 2019). Doctora en Ciencias Sociales y Profesora Consulta de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Como Decana de Crítica de Artes – Universidad…

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Candidate for Vice-President Europe IASS/AIS (fourth mandate as board member, 2 mand. 2004-2014; 1 mand. 2019-2024)

JOSÉ MARÍA PAZ GAGO  (suit le texte en français) Professor of Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature at the University of La Coruña (Spain) as well as at the University of Paris 3-Sorbonne Nouvelle (2008-2012). Visiting professor at the Universities of California-Santa Bárbara, Rosario e Córdoba (Argentina), UNISINOS and Universidade de Sao Paulo (Brasil), Universidad…

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