Extended deadline: 7th issue of the Cygne noir semiotics journal (« Algorithmes »)

The CFP for the 7th issue of the Cygne noir semiotics journal (« Algorithmes ») is extended until march 1st. Appel à contribution     no 7 | 2019 : Algorithmes Dossier dirigé par Fabien Richert et Emmanuelle Caccamo http://revuecygnenoir.org/contenu/appel-a-contribution CFP: 7th issue of the Cygne noir semiotics journal (« Algorithmes »)

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New book: Embodiment, Relation, Community: A Continental Philosophy of Communication – Garnet C. Butchart

New Book: Embodiment, Relation, Community: A Continental Philosophy of Communication (Penn State University Press, 2019) by Garnet C. Butchart, Duquesne University http://www.psupress.org/emailassets/NewTitleButchartEmailCatsCust.html?utm_source=CatsCust&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=NewTitleButchart  From the publisher: In this volume, Garnet C. Butchart shows how human communication can be understood as embodied relations and not merely as a mechanical process of transmission. Expanding on contemporary philosophies of speech and…

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2019 application round for University of Tartu International Master Studies in Semiotics

2019 application round for University of Tartu International Master Studies in Semiotics now open! We are excited to welcome new students to our 2-year international Master’s programme in Semiotics. All courses are taught in English. 8 best applicants will be awarded with tuition-waiver scholarships. The application period runs until March 15, 2019. See detailed information here:…

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CFP: Tartu Summer School of Semiotics 2019 (17-20 August)

CFP: Tartu Summer School of Semiotics 2019 (17-20 August): Semiotic dimensions of spaces & literacies Confirmed keynote speakers: João Queiroz, Kay O’Halloran, Olga Lavrenova Juri Lotman proposed that the primary semiotic dualism lies in the duplication of the world in language and the duplication of the human in space: „Genetically speaking, culture is built upon…

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IASS Congress 2021/2 – call for proposals

IASS Congress 2021/2 – call for proposals The International Association for Semiotic Studies invites proposals from universities and other research institutions to host the 15th IASS Congress in 2021 or 2022. Proposers must be paid-up members of the IASS and should have a good knowledge of the history of the Association and its Congresses. Proposals…

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IASS Election: Notice of candidature for the IASS Bureau

Notice of candidature for the IASS Bureau In line with the Association’s statutes, the 14th Congress of the IASS in September 2019 will feature elections for places on the IASS Bureau and on the IASS Executive Committee. The places on the IASS Bureau consist of the following: President Secretary General Treasurer Vice-Treasurer Vice-secretary General Vice-President…

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New Book: A Literary Semiotics Approach to the Semantic Universe of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four

A Literary Semiotics Approach to the Semantic Universe of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four Author(s): Murat Kalelioğlu Book Description Semiotics can be considered as a well-organized signification journey taken among the pages of the work of art. It requires background knowledge related to the field and its analysis tools, as well as careful reading practices in…

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First Call for Papers: 12th Conference of the IAVS-AISV

First Call for Papers: 12th Conference of the IAVS-AISV Visual semiotics goes cognitive Le tournant cognitive de la sémiotique visuelle El giro cognitivo de la semiótica visual August 22 to 24, 2019, Centre for language and literature, Lund University What can cognitive semiotics bring to visual semiotics, and vice-versa? Visual semiotics has, most of the…

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New issue: deSignis, no. 27

deSignis, Latin American Federation of Semiotics Journal, is happy to announce its new issue, No. 27. Cine y Literatura, Interferencias e Intersecciones was coordinated by Sabine Schlickers, Jörg Türschmann and Mónica Starain. It is available in our website: http://www.designisfels.net. http://www.designisfels.net/publicaciones.php#ultimo

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