Nouveau livre: “La cochenille, de la teinture à la peinture. Une histoire matérielle de la couleur”, de Georges Roque

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la parution du livre de Georges Roque (CRAL-EHESS), La cochenille, de la teinture à la peinture. Une histoire matérielle de la couleur, qui vient de paraître aux Éditions Gallimard, collection « Art et Artistes ».  Le livre porte une certaine attention à la sémiotique visuelle et se positionne dans…

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Reminder: International Congress “Juri Lotman’s Semiosphere” (25 – 28 February 2022, Tallinn and Tartu, Estonia)

2022 marks the centenary of the birth of Juri Lotman (28 February 1922), renowned Russian-Estonian semiotician, literary scholar and cultural historian. To celebrate this anniversary and commemorate his distinguished contribution to humanities and beyond, the University of Tartu, Tallinn University, Juri Lotman’s Semiotics Repository and the Estonian Association of Semiotics will be hosting an International Congress “Juri Lotman’s Semiosphere”. Confirmed plenary speakers are Aleida Assmann (University…

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4th Conference on Epistemology, “Epistemology and Semiotics: Information and Sign” (3-5 December 2021, Kavala, Greece – virtual)

The Laboratory of Semiotics of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in collaboration with and the Association of Ancient Greek Philosophy ‘syn Athena’ is organizing the 4th Conference on Epistemology ‘Epistemology & Semiotics’ dedicated on Information and Sign, which will take place virtually in 3-5 December 2021. After the 1st conference…

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Call for papers: Revista deSignis, “Mediterráneo. Intersecciones simbólicas”

Serie Intersecciones Coordinación: Teresa Velázquez García-Talavera (LAPREC/MIM-UAB) teresa.velazquez@uab.catRicardo Carniel Bugs (LAPREC/MIM-UAB) Con la colaboración de: Eliseo Colón Zayas (UPR) Fecha límite de recepción de artículos: 31 de diciembre de 2021 Ver condiciones de presentación de los artículos en Un número dedicado a las intersecciones simbólicas entre el Mediterráneo y América Latina se…

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Symposium: “Digital Pinocchio. Face and Fake in Contemporary E-Technological Societies” (CYAS, Paris-Cergy Institute of Advanced Studies)

Stemming from ERC Project FACETS (Face Aesthetics in Contemporary E-Technological Societies), led by CYAS 2020/21 Senior Fellow Massimo LEONE, the symposium revolves on the intersection between the face and the fake, with particular attention to new digital technologies of communication and artificial intelligence.

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Graduate Seminar: “The Semiotics of Artificial Intelligence”, University of Turin / Shanghai University (Shanghai, 21 June – 2 July, 2021)

Graduate Seminar, Shanghai University Massimo LEONE & FACETS, University of Turin / Shanghai University Shanghai, 21 June 2021 – 2 July 2021 Seminar Contents Artificial intelligence is increasingly present in contemporary human existence. Its applications are everywhere, in private as well as in public life, in entertainment as well as in education. The course aims…

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Incontro “Una vita per la semiotica. Un ricordo di Paolo Fabbri”, a cura di Lucia Corrain e Michele Cogo, in collaborazione con Bottega Finzioni (giovedi 22 aprile, 18.30)

Nell’ambito del convegno per i 50 anni del DAMS, giovedi 22 aprile ore 18.30 L’incontro “ Una vita per la semiotica. Un ricordo di Paolo Fabbri “ a cura di Lucia Corrain e Michele Cogo, in collaborazione con Bottega Finzioni Vi saranno le testimonianze del Prof. Victor Stoichita Università di Friburgo e del prof. Massimo…

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Call for papers for a Thematic Issue: “What’s so special about faces?”, Topoi. An International Review of Philosophy

Guest editors: Marco Viola & Massimo Leone (University of Turin) Faces, or at least T-shaped face patterns, grab human beings’ attention since the very earlier days of life. And they remain the most relevant stimuli of the social environment. Possibly, since (quoting William James 1984) “the most important part of my environment is my fellow-man”,…

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Nouveau livre: “L’invention de l’autre. Le Juif, le Noir, le paysan, l’Alien”, de Anne Beyaert-Geslin

Comment la peinture, comment les œuvres que nous aimons ont-elles, jouant de leur autorité, inventé un Autre, façonné un Autre négatif, inférieur, étranger ? L’essai fait le lien entre les visual studies qui observent comment les images déterminent notre regard social, l’anthropologie, l’histoire de l’art et la sémiotique visuelle qui analysent les images elles-mêmes, pour…

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Call for papers: 21st Annual Gatherings in Biosemiotics (26-29 July, 2021)

The Gatherings in Biosemiotics is the annual meeting for the study of sign processes in life processes. Researchers interested in the intersection of meaning-making and biology are the backbone of our interdisciplinary undertaking, and we welcome thoughtful submissions from scholars in any discipline relevant to a deeper understanding of the role of signs in life….

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Atelier de sémiotique du MICA le 16 avril

La prochaine séance de l’atelier de sémiotique du MICA aura lieu le 16avril à partir de 14h sur zoom. Nous écouterons : –  Maria Giulia Dondero, FNRS-Université de Liège : « De l’image commetexte à l’image comme écriture : les forces à l’œuvre ».–  Emmanuel Souchier, Celsa. Paris-Sorbonne : « Le numérique commeécriture : éléments…

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