Call for papers: XII Chilean International Semiotics Congress (24-26 November 2021)

Second Call MAIN GROUND It is a time of storms and in-depth socio-cultural transformations. Semiotics is a discipline that studies signs in the bosom of social life (from the subconscious of the socio-historical subject, Saussure, to the Peirce interpretation). Because, at the level of science is a discourse interpretative reflexive necessary to grasp the emerging…

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Call for papers: Revista Comunicación y Medios, “Semiótica e identidades en un mundo polidialógico transterritorial”

Fecha de Convocatoria Inicio: 31 de marzo de 2021Cierre: 12 de septiembre de 2021 Fecha de Publicación Enero 2022 Editores invitados Dr. Rafael del Villar Muñoz, Universidad de Chile ( Charo Lacalle, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, España( Foco temático El dossier de la revista Comunicación y Medios Nº 45 (enero-junio 2022) tiene como núcleo temático…

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StudSemioticDay (June 30, 2021)

On June 30, 2021, the International Center for Semiotics and Intercultural Dialogue (State Academic University for the Humanities – GAUGN, Moscow), under the leadership of Associate Professor Inna Merkoulova, came up with an initiative to establish on this date the first International Day for Students of Semiotics #STUDSEMIOTICDAY. The event is held with the informational…

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(3-6 September 2021, Sozopol, Bulgaria) (Deadline for the proposals: 15 July 2021) REGISTRATION FORM For more information: Plenary speakers and distinguished semioticians: Prof. Paul Cobley – Making sense of the e-reading debates Prof. Evangelos Kourdis – The Semiotics of Shifting Sensorium and Audiovisual Translation Prof. Dario Martinelli – Chekhov’s guitar – or: on the…

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II International meeting of young early-career (IASS-AIS): “Paths, scenarios, and methodologies semiotics routes”

PATHS, SCENARIOS AND METHODOLOGIES SEMIOTICS ROUTES II International meeting of young early-career IASS-AISX International Congress of Semiotics of Colombia ASCColloquium 30 years Master in Semiotics UIS Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa Since its genesis, semiotics has been proposed as an axis of multidisciplinarity. This character of semiotic studies is expressed in all fields of science and…

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Semiotica: Editorial Committee and Membership Survey

Dear colleagues, Please participate in the following survey sent by the editors of Semiotica. The survey hopes to gain insights into current and past practices with Semiotica. Most importantly, we are eager to know more about contributing authors’ and reviewers’ perception of the review process. We do know that the IASS has started preparing multi-language…

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15th World Congress of Semiotics IASS – AIS (August 30 – September 3, 2022 / Thessaloniki, Greece)

Semiotics in the Lifeworld The 15th World Congress of Semiotics aims to foreground semiotics as the socially engaged, critical investigation of the sign- and meaning-making processes forming the core of human worldmaking. Semiotic investigation is grounded in the historical lifeworld, in concrete timescapes and semioscapes, in the dense and dynamic weave of semiotic practices that structure…

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Hongwei Jia, talented Chinese semiotician and translator, passes away at 44.

By Hongbing Yu Dr. Hongwei Jia, a linguist-turned Chinese semiotician and translator, died on May 24 in Harbin, China. He was 44 and lived in Beijing. The cause of his passing was complications from severe pneumonia due to overfatigue, according to his brother Hongtao Jia. At his death, Dr. Jia was Associate Professor of Linguistics…

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Wanted: Book Review Editor for the Semiotic Society of America

The American Journal of Semiotics (TAJS), the scholarly journal of the Semiotic Society of America (SSA), welcomes applications for Book Review Editor. This position will support the editorial work of The American Journal of Semiotics in the following ways: assisting the TAJS editorial team in identifying books worth reviewing, soliciting publishers for a copy (print or…

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Book presentation: “Mediatization(s). Theoretical conversations between Europe and Latin America”, edited by José Luis Fernández, Carlos Scolari and Mon Rodríguez-Amat

Dear all, I hope that this mail finds you well and resisting the covid 19 with good spirit. Next Thursday we will present “MEDIATIZATION (s). THEORETICAL CONVERSATIONS BETWEEN EUROPE AND LATIN AMERICA”, a book that we edited with Carlos Scolari and Mon Rodríguez-Amat in order to @IntellectBooks . You can read the INTRODUCTION in: In…

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“Who is John Deely?”, video of lecture by Farouk Seif

On behalf of the School of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, the Philosophy Department, and Br. Norman Hipps of the Deely Project, Saint Vincent College, we invite you to use the link provided below to view a recording of the April 29, Farouk Seif lecture, entitled “Who is John Deely?”

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