CFP: Semiotics and identities in a polydialogical and transterritorial world
4 th, 5th and 6th of September, 2019
Institute of Communication and Image
University of Chile, Campus Juan Gómez Millas
Ñuñoa (Santiago, Chile)
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English: Convocatoria2XICongresInternationalChilenoSemioticaINGLES(1)
Spanish: Convocatoria2XI CongresoInternacionalChilenoSemiótica
French: XI CongreChilienInternaionaleSémiotiqueAppel2
The Chilean Association of Semiotics and the Institute of Communication and Image of the University of Chile, invites to the XI CHILEAN INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS of SEMIOTICS, an academic activity that will take place in the city of Santiago on September 4 th, 5th and 6th. The main theme will be: Semiotics and Identities in a trans-territorial poly-dialogical world.
The discourses of modernity and development managed to generate a symbolic order, a “myth of reference”, in the words of Lévi-Strauss, focused on concepts such as State-Nation, territory and unique identity. Today these concepts are undermined both on the outside and on the inside: on one hand, economic and cultural globalization erases national borders and the identities associated with them. On the other, sociocultural differentiation gains more visibility and voice within national societies themselves. A possible reading about the tensions lived between East-West, or the ideological confrontation between capitalism and communism as the axis of global alignment, give greater presence and strength to conflicts and divisions of another nature. For example, xenophobic nationalisms, religious fundamentalism and ethnic conflicts that comes to the fore in the media showcase, which makes its role visible in national and international politics. Such a scenario is reinforced in the concern of the people, as well as in the academy.
The end of real socialisms has been accompanied, both in the former Soviet Union and in Eastern Europe, by strong nationalisms that, in some way, constitute long-standing cultural and political “debts”. On the other hand, unfortunately, these dynamics are accompanied by bloody struggles between emerging nations, which revitalizes the “sinister dimension” of the affirmation of identity, namely, racial discrimination and even projects of “ethnic cleansing”. Also, the trans-territoriality is a phenomenon of spatial character, but also linguistic, cultural, political. Particularly, from territories in perpetual movement, we observe and share a universe with other trans-territorialized subjects that today occupy us and occupy us in their constitution and relationships. The technological convergence, the multi-platforms of daily use due to its reduction in equipment costs has allowed the multiple reference of the company in networks, making possible the identification from the No-Place, such as the one described by Marc Augé.
In a semiotic key, the discussion between a global culture and local cultures shows how these processes give rise to the establishment of diverse identities and multiple capacities for action. For example, in terms of territories and identities in Latin America, the last thirty years have been marked by the indigenous “reemergence”, the imaginary and new political and cultural identities associated with it. Hence the importance of understanding the cosmopolitan character of the social subjects holding beliefs, norms and values of diverse local cultures, while immersed in the experience of shared-globalized elements.
The tensions described are at the root of the processes of global diffusion of systems of material production, which are accompanied by processes of reproduction and modification of social codes, or in a generic, cultural way. The delineated crossing requires the revaluation of semiotics as intra and transtextual order. Semiotics could be perceived as a transterritorial space of knowledge of heuristic interconnections. Throughout history there existed and there are semioticians who, without knowing or half-knowing it, have been builders of an attentive look at the world, those who have gathered theory and sensibility, that is, they have made use of a reasonableness, in saying of Peirce or of the contradiction of operation of the systems in the contribution of René Thom.
From that world we must vindicate looks like those of Kristeva, Eco, Barthes, Greimas, Lotman, Peirce among others, “vagabonds of textuality”, according to Mangieri, or as Verón said, semiotics that could not be framed under a single metatheoretical model and that justly Through a kind of trans-territorial semiotics they can present hidden areas of scientific knowledge and the invaluable richness of culture and the world, according to Arendt. From this arises the urgency to work so that semiotics retakes its function of leading the interrelation between sciences and arts, as current propitious for the generation of knowledge, which consequently brings the political and epistemic implication that the process of thinking entails. Beyond the first semiotics framed in the theoretical disputes of the closed text (Greimas) or open text (Eco), today reality is the point of departure, and from there everything is possible in this analytical space because it is the reality speaking, not it is the analytical device that exemplifies with the real. For this it is necessary to return to the urgency of thinking and to intellectual activities and human necessities.
In the context of networked societies and the journey through these tense routes, it becomes important to anchor the task of the discipline in the collection and communication of the research carried out in the semiotic domain on these processes of identity construction in the context of transterritoriality. This implies stopping both in the theoretical-methodological devices to face these challenges descriptions of the real object itself, that is, to stop at the pragmatic.
Submission of abstracts | Until June 30th, 2019 |
Notification of acceptance to authors | July 15 th, 2019 |
Sending final program to participants: | August 16 th, 2019
Congress | 4 th, 5th and 6th of September, 2019 |
- Semiotics and Transdiscipline
- Semiotics and Cognition
- Semiotics of Technological Convergence
- Semiotics, Discourse and Ideology
- Semiotics of Migration
- Semiotics and Media
- Semiotics and Territory
- Semiotics of Education
- Semiotics of the Arts
- Semiotics of Religion
- Semiotics of Social Movements
- Semiotics of the Body
- Semiotics of Design and Advertising
- Semiotics and Gender
- Semiotics and Literature
- Semiotics of Music
- Semiotics and Interculturality
Abstracts of papers, whether finished research or in development, should include the following items:
- Title
- Full name of author (s),
- Academic degree (doctor, master’s degree, undergraduate or graduate student), institutional affiliation and email.
- Proposal of theme where to be included
- Keywords (3 to 5)
- Summary (top 500 words): brief description of the work in which state of the art is indicated, theoretical focus, methodology and results (if any)
- Title, summary and keywords, translated into English and spanish
- Essential bibliography of the study (maximum 5 references)
The scientific committee of the congress may suggest the change of category of a work, to facilitate the thematic and methodological discussion and enrichment. Up to two contributions per author / authors are accepted, as long as they go in different thematic areas. In the event that a paper / article are accepted, only those authors reviewed in the application may present at the congress.
Abstracts should be sent in Word for Windows format to the email address of the congress coordinators, Phd. Rafael del Villar ( and Phd. José Miguel Labrín (, with a copy to the President of the Chilean Association of Semiotics, Phd. Elizabeth Parra (, before the closing date informed .
Researchers, whose abstracts are accepted, can send the complete text for publication in a congress proceedings book, must submit their complete works following the rules of structure, style, citation, graphic aspects and extension indicated in the third call of the congress.
Members and academics from organizing universities: $ 50.000 (Chilean pesos)
Non-members: $ 70.000 (Chilean pesos)
Students (pre and postgraduate): $ 25.000 (Chilean pesos)
- ASSISTANTS (with certificate): $ 5.000 (Chilean pesos)
The contributions will be reviewed by a scientific committee made up of active members of the Chilean Association of Semiotics and members of the congress’s organizing team:
César Pacheco Silva, Phd
Elizabeth Parra Ortiz, Phd
Jaime Otazo Hermosilla, Phd
María Eugenia Domínguez, Phd
Rafael Del Villar Muñoz, Phd
Rubén Dittus Benavente, Phd
Sandra Meza Fernández, Phd
José Miguel Labrín Elgueta, Phd
Rafael del Villar
José Miguel Labrín E.
Websites of the organizing institutions:
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