Cygne noir – Revue d’exploration sémiotique. No. 8 is out!

no 8 | 2020 : Quand ego signe. Sémiotique, fantasme, fantaisie Fantasme et fantaisie partagent une même racine étymologique grecque : φαντασία et φάντασμα renvoient tous deux à l’idée d’apparition, d’image présentée à l’esprit. Tour à tour construction imaginaire, vision hallucinatoire, illusion ou rêverie, la fantaisie est aussi associée à la liberté psychique du sujet, à la…

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Eero Tarasti: Lectures on Wagner

A cycle of lectures on Richard Wagner by Eero Tarasti is completely available on YouTube! University of Helsinki, Oct. 29, 2020 Professor (emeritus) of Musicology Eero Tarasti Editors of the videos: Felix Siivonen (I) and Aleksi Haukka (II–VII) I Why Wagner? Background, Sources, Life II Flying Dutchman, Tannhäuser, Lohengrin III Nibelungen Ring: Myth and…

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Tenth conversation session in the IASS AIS 2020 Early Career Researchers series

The Academic Committee of Early Career Researchers is pleased to invite you to the tenth conversation session of the IASS-AIS 2020 series. The main topic of this talk will be: Biosemiotics and multiculturalism and it will be held on Tuesday, October 06th, 2020 at 10:00 (Colombia time TOC) / 16:00 (Europe time GMT+1), 17:00 (Europe time GMT+2)….

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Online Course on the Semiotics of John Deely

Tutor: Brian Kemple Semiotics–toward which human beings took their first explicit steps in the beginning of the Latin Age of philosophy, in the work of St. Augustine of Hippo–is that by which we begin in a true postmodernism. This is one of the key and perhaps surprising claims of John Deely (1942–2017). That is, often today what is called…

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New Publication:Autumn Issue of Signs & Media 2020(The Bilingual Version) The exploration of semiotics is always full of vitality. It constantly expands into new theoretical fields and deepens the understanding and interpretation of its theoretical basis. In the section on “Philosophical Semiotics”, the authors revisit the thoughts and concepts of the classical semioticians to obtain…

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New Issue: Punctum-International Journal of Semiotics, Volume 5, Issue 2

We are pleased to announce the publication of the Volume 5, Issue 2  (2019) of Punctum-International Journal of Semiotics, the online, open  access journal of the Hellenic Semiotic Society. This issue is devoted  to “Semiotics of Monuments: Politics & Form from the 20th to the 21st  century”’, edited by Lia Yoka and Federico Bellentani. The…

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New issue: DeSignis, 32 “Come back to Fashion in Internet Age”

It is with great pleasure that DeSignis, the journal of the Latin American Federation of Semiotics (FELS), announces the online publication of its 32nd volume. With the title ‘Volver a la Moda… en la Web’ [Come back to Fashion in Internet Age], the issue has been edited by José María Paz Gago, with the collaboration…

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New issues: DeSignis, 30 and 31

It is with great pleasure that DeSignis, the journal of the Latin American Federation of Semiotics (FELS), announces the online publication of its 30th and 31th volumes. With the title Cibercultura [Cyberculture], the issue 30 has been edited by Prof. Eliseo Colón Zayas, from the University of Puerto Rico. The issue 31, with the title…

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