Obituary for Omar Calabrese

In memory of Omar Calabrese On Saturday, March 31, 2012, Omar Calabrese succumbed to a heart attack in his home of Monteriggioni, Siena. Born in Florence on June 2, 1949, Calabrese has been a key-figure in semiotics and a protagonist of communication studies in Italy (President of Italian Association for Semiotic Studies – AISS in…

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WATS: World Association for Theoretical Semiotics

WATS stands for the World Association for Theoretical Semiotics.  We had a very successful organizational meeting at IASS-2009 in Coruña and now have about 20 members who are interested in developing, extending, criticizing, etc. semiotic theory and theoretical semiotics. Our officers are: President:                    Charls Pearson, USA Vice-President:            Gu Jia-zu, PRC Secretary:                    Søren Brier, Denmark Director:                     …

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On Youtube: Eero Tarasti lecture course on the “European semiotics” and a roundtable about his theory of existential semiotics

The lecture course on the “European semiotics” given by professor Eero Tarasti (in English) at the Helsinki University in the autumn semester of 2010  is available  now at Helsinki University Youtube: Moreover, the roundtable about his  theory of existential semiotics in Paris, Institut finlandais, in the autumn of 2010 as well  (in French),  can…

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Obituary for Joseph Morton Ransdell

Online obituary: A memorial service will be held this Saturday, January 8, in Lubbock,  Texas. Details are here: Obituary & Life History Joseph Morton Ransdell was born June 5, 1931 to Frances Lucille and Morton Ransdell in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. He passed into eternity on December 27, 2010. He attended junior college in Edmond, Oklahoma, then…

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Obituary for Richard Robin

Richard Shale Robin Richard Shale Robin 1926-2010 SOUTH HADLEY – Richard Shale Robin, Professor of Philosophy Emeritus, Mount Holyoke College, passed away on October 4th. He was born in Stamford, Ct. on April 18th 1926. Richard was one of the primary advocates of the field of American philosophy, especially American pragmatism, the kind whose roots…

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News from the Peirce Edition Project

This issue of the “News” will update you, our valued readers and supporters of the Peirce Edition, about the current state of affairs at the Project. It comes with several positive reasons for optimism, and thus for your continued steadfast backing of our mission. — André De Tienne Dear Friend of the Peirce Edition, It…

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Jacques Geninasca in Memorian

Jacques was the very first Treasurer of the IASS-AIS from its foundation in 1969 until the Palermo Congress in 1984. Following is the death notice: Estimados amigos y colegas: Tengo el triste deber de comunicarles que Jacques Geninasca profesor emérito de Historia de la Literatura Francesa desde el Renacimiento hasta la Actualidad ha fallecido en Neuchâtel…

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