Profesor, semiólogo, director del Grupo de Estudios de Semiótica de la Cultura, catedrático de Teoría de la Información en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, ex director de la Academia de Roma, secretario de redacción de la Revista de Occidente, gran maestro y amigo. Fue uno de los miembros fundadores de la revista deSignis, alguien que…
Round Table: New normality, new life forms: Semiotics and Pandemic (Virtual), Moscow (January 23, 2021)
State Academic University for the Humanities, MoscowInternational Center for Semiotics and Intercultural Dialogue in collaboration with the Center for Franco-Russian Studies Under the Auspices of the International Association for Semiotic StudiesIASS-AIS ROUND TABLENew normality, new life forms: Semiotics and Pandemic Nouvelles normalités, nouvelles formes de vie : sémiotique et pandémieNueva normalidad, nuevas formas de vida:…
Call for papers: Lexia, 39-40, “Heritage and the City”
HERITAGE AND THE CITY – Semiotics and Politics of Cultural Memory in Urban Spaces Guest Editors: Francesco Mazzucchelli (University of Bologna), Maria Rosaria Vitale (University of Catania), Massimo Leone (University of Turin/University of Shanghai) This Special Issue of Lexia aims at bringing together articles that critically reflect, from a semiotic angle, on the relation between…
Paolo Fabbri (17 April 1939 – 2 June 2020)
Paolo Fabbri was very much a man of the word: in every sense of the term. He studied languages, speeches, images, media, and with them everything that human societies use to communicate and to give meaning to the world, to themselves and to others: gestures, clothes, tattoos, clothes, food, buildings, entire cities. So, he was…
Roland Posner (1942-2020)
Roland Posner, President of the IASS from 1994 to 2004, died on 26 May 2020. Born on 30 June 1942, Posner studied philosophy, comparative literature, linguistics and communication theory at the universities of Bonn, Munich and Berlin. In 1972 he graduated summa cum laude in the subjects of General Linguistics, German language and Philosophy at the…
Editorship of Semiotica, the journal of the IASS
Marcel Danesi is stepping down from his role as editor-in-chief of the IASS journal Semiotica. Since 2004, when Marcel took over from interim editor-in-chief, Jean Umiker-Sebeok, the journal has grown and continued to lead in the field and in the international community of scholars. With the help of the publisher, de Gruyter, the journal has…
Announcement and Call for Paper: “The Semiotic Intersection of Literature, Language and Cognition” (3rd IASS-AIS—NNU Advanced Semiotics Workshop at the Nanjing Normal University, 6-7 June, 2020)
Download: Announcement & CFP updated Nov. 16, 2019 Following its success in 2018 and 2019, our exciting annual program IASS-AIS—NNU Advanced Semiotics Workshop continues into its third year in celebrating decades of international exchange, cooperation and coordination in the global arena of semiotics, which has long been regarded as an interdisciplinary methodology that cuts across…
Adrián Gimate-Welsh (1943-2019)
The International Association for Semiotic Studies – IASS / AIS announces with sadness that Mexican researcher and semiotician Dr. Adrián Sergio Gimate-Welsh Hernández, from Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, has recently passed away. La International Association for Semiotic Studies – IASS / AIS lamenta el fallecimiento del investigador y semiólogo mexicano Dr. Adrián Sergio Gimate-Welsh Hernández, miembro…
Jesper Hoffmeyer, 1942-2019
Dear Members, It is with great sadness that we have to inform you that one of the figures who transformed contemporary semiotics, Jesper Hoffmeyer, passed away on 25 September 2019 at age 77. An obituary will follow on this website in due course. In the meantime, we exhort you to take some time to remember…
Obituary for Gunther Kress
Gunther Kress, one of the key figures in the forging of social semiotics, as well being one of the definers of multimodality studies, has died. Born in 1940 in Germany, Kress’ family moved to Australia where, on leaving school, he pursued a career as a furrier. Later, he moved to the UK where he became…