New issue: International Journal of Marketing Semiotics (IJMS) VOL.VI 2018

New issue: International Journal of Marketing Semiotics (IJMS) VOL.VI 2018   PRESS RELEASE: LAUNCH OF THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MARKETING SEMIOTICS (IJMS) VOL.VI 2018 We are pleased to announce the launch of the sixth issue of the International Journal of Marketing Semiotics. Table of Contents International Journal of Marketing Semiotics Vol. VI   2018 Full contents IJMS VOL VI 2018 FULL Articles Jason…

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2nd CFP: «Anticipation and Change»  The 11th conference of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies

2nd CFP: «Anticipation and Change» The 11th conference of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies

«Anticipation and Change» The 11th conference of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies Second Call for Papers Stavanger, Norway, June 13–15th 2019 Venue: Department of social studies, University of Stavanger The 11th conference of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies (NASS XI) will be hosted by University of Stavanger (UiS) and is co-sponsored by Department…

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CFP: VS Special Issue, Forms of Life / Forms of the Body: Case Studies

Call for papers for VS. – Quaderni di studi semiotici, n. 128 (01/2019) Special Issue: *FORMS OF LIFE / FORMS OF THE BODY: CASE STUDIES* Edited by Gianfranco Marrone and Francesco Mazzucchelli ** The semiotic notion of “form of life” is somehow self-evident and  confused at once. After being explored and discussed at length for …

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2nd CFP: 12th International Symposium on Iconicity in Language and Literature (ILL-12)

Second Call for Papers 12th International Symposium on Iconicity in Language and Literature (ILL-12) 3-5 May 2019 Lund University, Sweden We invite the submission of abstracts to the 12th Biennial International Symposium on Iconicity in Language and Literature initiated by the Iconicity Research Project, with the first symposium held in Zurich 1997, see The…

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New Book:  Interdiscursive Readings in Cultural Consumer Research

New Book: Interdiscursive Readings in Cultural Consumer Research

Title: Interdiscursive Readings in Cultural Consumer Research Publishing house: Cambridge Scholars Publishing ISBN (print): 978-1-5275-1372-3 Author: George Rossolatos Release date: August 2018 Pages: 350 The cultural consumption research landscape of the 21st century is marked by an increasing cross-disciplinary fermentation. At the same time, cultural theory and analysis have been marked by successive ‘inter-’ turns,…

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Special issue on biosemiotic ethics now open access

Special issue on biosemiotic ethics now open access The special issue of Zeitschrift für Semiotik on biosemiotic ethics guest-edited by Morten Tønnessen, Yogi Hendlin and Jonathan Beever is now freely available online, downloadable in PDF format. It includes contributions by the editors,  John Deely, Andreas Weber, Hans Werner Ingensiep, Jessica Ullrich, Konrad Ott, Gerald Ostdiek…

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New Book: A Literary Semiotics Reading: Kuyucaklı Yusuf

New Publication: A Literary Semiotics Reading: Kuyucaklı Yusuf. A Literary Semiotics Study Last week, a semiotical analysis written about Kuyucaklı Yusuf, a quite well-known novel in Turkey was published in Turkish. This novel was translated into French twice. It was first published in Editions de Publications Orientalistes in 1977, then it was published in Éditions…

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International symposium: Sources of Creativity. From Local to Universal.

Sources of Creativity. From Local to Universal. An international symposium around Eero Tarasti’s work in the eve of his 70th birthday. Event organized by the Academy of Cultural Heritages and the Semiotic Society of Finland, in Mikkeli, Finland, 8-10 August 2018. The symposium will be arranged at the place of genius loci of Eero Tarasti’s…

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New issue: Digital Age in Semiotics & Communication, Volume 1, Issue 1, Spring 2018

New issue: Digital Age in Semiotics & Communication, Volume 1, Issue 1, Spring 2018

New issue: Digital Age in Semiotics & Communication, Volume 1, Issue 1, Spring 2018 Digital Age in Semiotics & Communication is a journal from the Southeast European Center for Semiotic Studies at the New Bulgarian University. It explores the new forms of knowledge, social and linguistic interaction, and cultural phenomena generated by the advent of…

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