2nd CFP: «Anticipation and Change»  The 11th conference of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies

2nd CFP: «Anticipation and Change» The 11th conference of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies

«Anticipation and Change»

The 11th conference of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies

Second Call for Papers

Stavanger, Norway, June 13–15th 2019

Venue: Department of social studies, University of Stavanger

The 11th conference of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies (NASS XI) will be hosted by University of Stavanger (UiS) and is co-sponsored by Department of social studies (UiS) and «The Greenhouse: An environmental humanities initiative at University of Stavanger»


The overall theme of NASS XI is «Anticipation and change». Relevant topics include – but are not limited to – the semiotics of child development and human development in general, social change, cultural change, environmental change, ontogeny, and evolution. The anticipatory aspect implies that future studies and the power of imagination are also relevant topics, as are, potentially, learning and perception, expectation and prediction, foresight and preconception. We welcome abstract proposals that approach these topics from a semiotic perspective and encourage interdisciplinary relations between semiotics and other disciplines

Keynote speakers:

Ingvil Hellstrand (Network for gender research, University of Stavanger): «Brave new world? Dystopia and social change in contemporary science fiction»

Jon Kvist (Institute of Society and Globalization, Roskilde School of Governance, Roskilde University): «Recent welfare reforms: Development or dismantlement of the Nordic welfare model?»

Jaan Valsiner (Department of Communication and Psychology, Aalborg University): «The little big sign-makers: What can be learned from children for general theory of sign mediation?»

Nora Bateson (filmmaker, writer and educator, President of the International Bateson Institute)

 Abstract submission
Abstracts should be submitted as a Word file attachment to nassXI@uis.no, with subject line ”Abstract for NASS XI”. In order to be considered for the graduate student award and grants (see below), please indicate whether or not you are a graduate student.

Each abstract submission should contain: (1) The name of the author(s) (surname, given name); (2) Your affiliation (including country of residence); (3) Your email address; (4) The title of the paper; (5) An abstract of max. 500 words; (6) 3–5 keywords; (7) and a short bionote of max. 100 words.

Deadline for abstract submission is December 10th, 2018. Notification of acceptance will be given by January 31st, 2019.

Registration and conference fee
Registration for NASS XI will require payment of a conference fee (early bird 1000 NOK, late registration 1250 NOK) which entitles conference participants to attendence, coffee breaks and a daily lunch, and program booklet. The conference fee includes fee for NASS membership for the period 2019–2021 (250 NOK).

Early bird registration deadline is March 15th, 2019. Final registration deadline is April 30th, 2019.

Graduate student award and grants
5-10 graduate students presenting a paper at NASS XI will be supported financially by NASS, with a grant of 200 Euro each.

Furthermore, a prize will be awarded for the best graduate student presentation at NASS XI. The prize consists of a gift card worth 300 Euro, and a diploma.

Local organizing team
Morten Tønnessen (conference chair), Daria Segal (conference secretary)

Scientific committee (abstract evaluation)
Søren Brier (Copenhagen Business School), Sara Lenninger (Kristianstad University), Alin Olteanu (Kaunas University of Technology), Tiit Remm (University of Tartu), Inesa Sahakyan (Université Grenoble Alpes), Morten Tønnessen (University of Stavanger)

For more information, contact nassXI@uis.no or visit http://nordicsemiotics.org.

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