Call for papers: Versus, n. 2, 2021

Human sciences in dialogue: epistemology and methods, agreements and disputes, acquisitions and projects. Starting from Paolo Fabbri’s semiotic research.Versus 2/2021Edited by Gianfranco Marrone In 1973, a long essay by Paolo Fabbri titled “Mass Communications in Italy: a Semiotic Glance and the Evil Eye of Sociology” was first published on Versus (“Le comunicazioni di massa in…

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New book: The Meanings of the Built Environment, by Federico Bellentani

This volume analyses the interpretation of the built environment by connecting analytical frames developed in the fields of semiotics and geography. It focuses on specific components of the built environment: monuments and memorials, as it is easily recognisable that they are erected to promote specific meanings in the public space. The volume concentrates on monuments…

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Symposium “Facing Narratives: Tales of the Visage across Cultures” (Virtual), January 29, 2021

FRIAS, Freiburg Institute of Advanced Studies Stemming from ERC Project FACETS (Face Aesthetics in Contemporary E-Technological Societies), led by FRIAS 2020/21 Senior Fellow Massimo LEONE, the symposium revolves on how the human face acquires specific cultural meaning in narratives, in literature, through visual means, and in present-day digital simulacra. The visage is the most important…

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Round Table: New normality, new life forms: Semiotics and Pandemic (Virtual), Moscow (January 23, 2021)

State Academic University for the Humanities, MoscowInternational Center for Semiotics and Intercultural Dialogue in collaboration with the Center for Franco-Russian Studies Under the Auspices of the International Association for Semiotic StudiesIASS-AIS ROUND TABLENew normality, new life forms: Semiotics and Pandemic Nouvelles normalités, nouvelles formes de vie : sémiotique et pandémie​Nueva normalidad, nuevas formas de vida:…

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Ciclo de webinarios latinoamericanos “Culturas del rostro”

El 11 de enero empezó el ciclo de webinarios latinoamericanos “Culturas del rostro” organizado en el marco del proyecto ERC Consolidator FACETS – Face Aesthetics in Contemporary E-Technological Societies – organizado por las investigadoras post-doctorales de la Universidad de Turín Dra. Silvia Barbotto y Dra. Cristina Voto. El ciclo es parte de las actividades del…

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Call for papers: 45th Annual Conference (Virtual) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (October 20-23, 2021)

Addressing Precarity: Semiotics, Semiosis, and Semioethics The 45th Annual Conference (Virtual)Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, October 20-23, 2021 The theme for this year’s conference is Addressing Precarity: Semiotics, Semiosis, and Semioethics. The conference centers on considering precarity through the framework of semiotics. Presenters are encouraged to develop panels and submissions that consider semiosis, semioethics, and precarity. As…

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New Book: Theory and Methodology of Semiotics

The Tradition of Ferdinand de Saussure by Alexandros Ph. Lagopoulos and Karin Boklund-Lagopoulou The book is an in-depth presentation of the European branch of semiotic theory, originating in the work of Ferdinand de Saussure. It has four parts: a historical introduction, the analysis of langue, narrative theory and communication theory.  Part I briefly presents all the semiotic…

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New issue of Chinese Semiotic Studies

Editor In Chief: Yongxiang Wang Volume 16 (2020): Issue 4 (Nov 2020) Contents Part One: Bridging the East–West Semiotic Divide — Jie Zhang & Hongbing Yu A Cultural Semiotics of Jingshen: A Manifesto – 515 — Zhong Chen & Tingting Yao The Cognitive Paradigm of Jingshen – 535 — Part Two: Cultural Signs and the Adaptation…

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Oscar Traversa (1940-2020)

Tuvo una buena vida. Lo creemos. Oscar reafirmó sus elecciones, sus acciones atendiendo siempre a sus proyectos y a los de los otros. Antes del comienzo del último congreso mundial de semiótica en Buenos Aires -2019-, recordaba los inicios de la asociación (grupo, agrupamiento…) en 1970 mientras trabajaba entusiasta en la organización del encuentro. Hasta…

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