Symposium “Facing Narratives: Tales of the Visage across Cultures” (Virtual), January 29, 2021

FRIAS, Freiburg Institute of Advanced Studies

Stemming from ERC Project FACETS (Face Aesthetics in Contemporary E-Technological Societies), led by FRIAS 2020/21 Senior Fellow Massimo LEONE, the symposium revolves on how the human face acquires specific cultural meaning in narratives, in literature, through visual means, and in present-day digital simulacra. The visage is the most important communicative interface of the human species; many of its features are determined by natural evolution. Yet, cultures constantly inflect the biological functioning of the face, along patterns of meaning that societies disseminate through narrativity and story-telling. Understanding the role of the face in narrative cultures is the main objective of the symposium.

Meeting-ID: 827 5326 5393 Code: 624897

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