Second CFP – 2nd International Conference Semiosis in Communication: Differences and Similarities
This is the second Call for Papers for the 2nd International Conference Semiosis in Communication: Differences and Similarities, organized by the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (NUPSPA), Bucharest, Romania, in participation with Southeast European Center for Semiotic Studies (SEECSS) at New Bulgarian University (NBU), Sofia, Bulgaria, Semiotics and Visual Communication Research Lab at Cyprus University of Technology and under the auspices of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS-AIS).
Here’s what’s new:
- We are glad to announce that Professors Susan Petrilliand Augusto Ponzio will hold a special session – Difference and similarity in the I-Other relationship. Between two identities or two singularities? – as a honorary guests. This main session is dedicated to Solomon Marcus.
- We are also pleased to announce that Professors Susan Petrilliand Augusto Ponzio will also give keynote lectures alongside other keynote speakers.
- In addition, we are pleased to announce that Semiotics and Visual Communication Research Labat Cyprus University of Technology, coordinated by Professor Evripides Zantides, joined us as a partner in organizing the event in Bucharest.
Thus, our partners are:
- National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (NUPSPA), Bucharest, Romania
- International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS-AIS)
- Southeast European Center for Semiotic Studies (SEECSS) at New Bulgarian University (NBU), Sofia, Bulgaria
- Semiotics and Visual Communication Research Lab at Cyprus University of Technology
Therefore, keynote speakers confirmed are:
- Susan Petrilli, Professor of Philosophy and Theory of Languages at the Department of Lettere, LingueArti – Italianistica e Culture Comparate (Letters, Languages, Arts – Italian Studies and Comparative Cultures), University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, Bari, Italy; Visiting Research Fellow at the School of Psychology, the University of Adelaide, South Australia, and Vice President of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS-AIS);
- Augusto Ponzio, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy and Theory of Languages at University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, Italy;
- Paul Cobley, President of IASS-AIS, International Association for Semiotic Studies, Middlesex University, U.K.;
- Göran Sonesson, Professor of Semiotics & Director of Centre for Cognitive Semiotics, Division of Cognitive Semiotics, Centre for Language and Literature, Lund University, Sweden;
- Dario Martinelli, Director of ISI, International Semiotics Institute; Scientific director of IASS-AIS World Congress Kaunas 2017, University of Technology, Lithuania;
- Luis Emilio Bruni, From 2011 to 2017 was president of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies (NASS) and currently seats in its Board, as well as in the board of directors of the International Society for Information Studies (ISIS), Aalborg University Copenhagen, Denmark;
- Massimo Leone, IFK Senior Fellow – International Research Centre for Cultural Studies, University of Art and Design Linz, Wien; Professor of Semiotics, Cultural Semiotics, and Visual Semiotics at the Department of Philosophy, University of Turin, Italy and
- Kristian Bankov, Professor of Semiotics at New Bulgarian University and Department Chair of the Southeast European Center for Semiotic Studies; Secretary General of IASS-AIS, International Association for Semiotic Studies.
Honorary Guests:
- Susan Petrilli, Professor of Philosophy and Theory of Languages at the Department of Lettere, LingueArti – Italianistica e Culture Comparate (Letters, Languages, Arts – Italian Studies and Comparative Cultures), University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, Bari, Italy; Visiting Research Fellow at the School of Psychology, the University of Adelaide, South Australia, and Vice President of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS-AIS) and
- Augusto Ponzio, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy and Theory of Languages at University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, Italy;
Please, consult the conference homepage for the call, the registration procedure and every other detail at: http://centrucomunicare.ro/semiosis/semiosisc_2018.html (check regularly for updates).
The announcement regarding the 2nd International Conference Semiosis in Communication: Differences and Similarities has just been published on the IASS-AIS webpage: http://iass-ais.org/cfp-2nd-international-conference-semiosis-in-communication-differences-and-similarities/
Please also consult frequently for the latest updates of the event the Conference Facebook Page:
For questions and details concerning the conference Semiosis in Communication: Differences and Similarities, please write to Nicolae-Sorin Drăgan at: dragan.nicolaesorin@gmail.com.
- Call for Papers (pdf format): Call_for_Papers
CFP: 2nd International Conference Semiosis in Communication: Differences and Similarities
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