CFP: Cognitive Semiotics

Call for Papers: Cognitive Semiotics Cognitive Semiotics, published by Mouton de Gruyter, is a platform for the study of meaning-making writ large, as it is manifested in our interactions with the surroundings in all domains, in the natural as well as in the social world, in language and other semiotic resources, as well as in…

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CFP: Presenza di Versus/Présence de Versus

Presenza di Versus/Présence de Versus Call for papers Fondata nel 1971 da Umberto Eco e pubblicata per anni presso Bompiani, la rivista Versus ha di recente cambiato casa editrice ed è attualmente pubblicata da Il Mulino, a Bologna. Questa occasione, nel momento stesso in cui lo strutturalismo è entrato nella storia delle idee ed è…

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Journal: Sign Systems Studies 45(1-2)

Journal: Sign Systems Studies 45(1-2)

Sign Systems Studies 45(1-2), 2017 We are happy to announce the publication of the new issue of Sign Systems Studies, this time a Special issue: A. J. Greimas – a life in semiotics, guest edited by Remo Gramigna, Andrius Grigorjevas, and Silvi Salupere. The online issue is available here: The print issue will be…

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Conference: Pictures and Texts – Pictures as Text. Iconicity and Indexicality in Graphic Communication

Multimodal analysis is an emerging research field, with more open questions than clear answers or fully established concepts (and methodologies). At the same time, it is a promising and exciting field that makes possible many interdisciplinary approaches, methods, and opportunities for collaboration. The conference aims at promoting this kind of exchange across disciplinary borders and…

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CFP: 42nd Annual Meeting of the Semiotic Society of America (Deadline: July 15, 2017)

CFP: 42nd Annual Meeting of the Semiotic Society of America (Deadline: July 15, 2017)

Dear colleagues, This is a reminder, the call for papers of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Semiotic Society of America is open until July 15, 2017. CFP SSA 2017 Puebla For more information please visit: The abstracts (150 words maximum) should be uploaded at:  The event will be held from October 25 to 29, 2017 in…

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7th and 8th issue of Southern Semiotic Review and CFP on Planetary Semiotics and Creative Arts

7th and 8th issue of Southern Semiotic Review and CFP on Planetary Semiotics and Creative Arts

Issue 7 2016 (2) / Issue 8 2017 (1) can be found at The journal also has a call for papers on themes of “Planetary Semiotics” and “Creative Arts”. These can be found online. This  journal welcomes papers with general semiotic methodology and subject matter, as well as ones with special themes. It is well…

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Obituary for Jerzy Pelc

Jerzy Pelc (1924-2017) It is with great sadness that we announce that Jerzy Pelc, University of Warsaw, a honorary president of Institut International de Philosophie and International Association for Semiotic Studies passed away on the 2nd of June 2017. Graduated from the University of Warsaw, he was a student of such philosophers and logicians as…

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5th issue of the Cygne noir semiotics journal

5th issue of the Cygne noir semiotics journal

L’équipe de la revue Cygne noir est heureuse de vous annoncer la publication de son cinquième numéro, dont le thème est “sémiotique et écologie”. Ce numéro, comme les précédents, est entièrement accessible en ligne et ce, gratuitement. Suivez ce lien : Cygne noir, revue d’exploration sémiotique is a peer-reviewed journal based in Montreal, Canada…

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A. J. Greimas website

We are happy to present, a website dedicated to the year of A. J. Greimas! Here you will find important biographical details, information about events dedicated to Greimas around the world, a gallery of archival documents, you will have the possibility to explore manuscripts of Greimas, hear his voice and take a look at…

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