Nuevo Libro: “Mediatizaciones: territorios y segmentaciones” del Centro de Investigaciones en Mediatizaciones (CIM)

Con mucha alegría, compartimos el último libro publicado por el Centro de Investigaciones en Mediatizaciones (CIM): Mediatizaciones: territorios y segmentaciones (UNR Editora). El mismo ha sido editado por Mariano Fernández y Sandra Sánchez y compendia algunas de las exposiciones presentadas en ocasión del Coloquio Anual del CIM 2018. El libro se encuentra subido al sitio del…

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Call for papers: Semiofest 2020 “Resemiotization: in Mexico City” (Mexico City, Mexico, May 27-30, 2020)

URL: The theme for Mexico City Semiofest in 2020 will be that of resemiotization. Semiofest, Mexico invites you to explore the notion of repurposing meanings. ‘Resemiotization’ is a long and complex word that describes a natural and an artificial process. Resemiotization relates to how meanings shift from medium to medium, from practice to practice, from…

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New Issue: Punctum-International Journal of Semiotics, Volume 1, Issue 5

We are pleased to announce the publication of the issue 5.1 of Punctum- International Journal of Semiotics, the online, open access journal of the Hellenic Semiotic Society. This inaugural issue is devoted to the ‘Μultimodality in Education’, edited by Maria Papadopoulou and Maria D. Avgerinou. The articles as well as the whole of the issue,…

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Call for papers: special issue of Punctum. International Journal of Semiotics “Translation and translatability in intersemiotic space”

Call for Papers Translation and translatability in intersemiotic space Special issue of Punctum. International Journal of Semiotics Editors: Evangelos Kourdis and Susan Petrilli Download: Punctum-61-Call-for-Papers It is our belief that the broadening of the notion of text has largely come about thanks to contributions from semiotic studies, according to a movement that has brought translation…

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Call for papers: International Conference “Semiosis in Communication. Culture, Communication and Social Change” (Bucharest, 4-6 June, 2020)

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE SEMIOSIS IN COMMUNICATION Culture, Communication and Social Change Bucharest, 4-6 June, 2020 Download: Call_for_Papers Conference description The third edition of the International Conference Semiosis in Communication: Culture, Communication and Social Change will be organized by the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania (SNSPA), through the Applied Semiotics and Communication…

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Call for papers: Revista deSignis

Publicación de la Federación Latinoamericana de Semiótica Call for papers del 21 de septiembre de 2019 al 31 de enero de 2020 Número Discurso Político contemporáneo Serie Intersecciones Fecha edición designisonline 2019; edición papel UNR Ediciones Download: Call for Papers – deSignis Discurso político contemporáneo Coordinado por Mariano Dagatti (CONICET/UNQ-UBA) y Teresa Velázquez García Talavera…

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Call for papers: CFP Panel: Images as Agents of Cultural Transformation Processes (16th International Congress 2020 of the German Semiotic Association)

CFP Panel: Images as Agents of Cultural Transformation Processes The 16th international Congress 2020 of the German Semiotic Association “Transformations of Signs and their Objects“ (Chemnitz, 22. bis 26. September 2020) Download: DGS_Call_Image_Cultural Studies To achieve its goals, the German Semiotic Association organizes conferences, colloquia, workshops, courses, lecture series on core areas of its research…

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Call for papers: Semio-Translation Studies in Intralingual, Interlingual and Intersemiotic Contexts

SEMIO-TRANSLATION STUDIES IN INTRALINGUAL, INTERLINGUAL AND INTERSEMIOTIC CONTEXTS April 09-10, 2020 – Istanbul, Turkey International Conference Organized by Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul-Turkey Download: call for papers Istanbul april 2020 “[…] we are utilizing several systems of signs concurrently at every moment: first, the signs of language, which are those that we acquire the earliest, with…

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Adrián Gimate-Welsh (1943-2019)

The International Association for Semiotic Studies – IASS / AIS announces with sadness that Mexican researcher and semiotician Dr. Adrián Sergio Gimate-Welsh Hernández, from Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, has recently passed away. La International Association for Semiotic Studies – IASS / AIS lamenta el fallecimiento del investigador y semiólogo mexicano Dr. Adrián Sergio Gimate-Welsh Hernández, miembro…

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New Issue of Signs & Media (Autumn 2019)

Dear all, we are delighted to announce the new publication of our Journal Signs & Media (Autumn Issue, 2019). Please feel free to download it by clicking   Editor’s Note Victoria Lady Welby and her works have generally been ignored in semiotics research over the last hundred years. We thus present a special section…

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CFP: Cinema and the City: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Call for Papers Cinema and the City: Interdisciplinary Perspectives International Conference November 29-30, 2019 University of Palermo, Department of Architecture, viale delle Scienze Room 1.3 and 1.4, Main Building Deadline for proposals: November 6, 2019 The conference aims to explore the relationships established between cinema and urban areas. We want to stress the connections woven…

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