New book: Wittgenstein’s Secret Diaries. Semiotic Writing in Cryptography – Dinda L. Gorlée

Dinda L. Gorlée Wittgenstein’s Secret Diaries. Semiotic Writing in Cryptography. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020 Ludwig Wittgenstein’s works encompass a huge number of notebooks, lectures, and articles, as well as his own private diaries. Written mainly in coded script, Wittgenstein’s autobiographical diaries interpolate his writings on the philosophy of language. The diaries were previously unknown to…

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Colloque: Spectacle, politique et médias (17-18 mars 2020, Rome)

Download: Colloque_Spectacle, politique et meÌ dias_Flyer 2020 On assiste ces dernières années à un réinvestissement des formes spectaculaires par le discours politique. L’espace muséal, celui du spectacle vivant, des arts plastiques, bouleversés naguère par un éclatement des paradigmes postdramatiques et par les nouvelles médiaturgies, se réapproprient aujourd’hui un discours plus idéologique. Quelles sont les conséquences…

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New issues: DeSignis, 30 and 31

It is with great pleasure that DeSignis, the journal of the Latin American Federation of Semiotics (FELS), announces the online publication of its 30th and 31th volumes. With the title Cibercultura [Cyberculture], the issue 30 has been edited by Prof. Eliseo Colón Zayas, from the University of Puerto Rico. The issue 31, with the title…

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Call for papers: Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture (Special Issue: Advertising for the human good)

Advertising for the human good Call for abstracts, papers: Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture (special issue) Issue Editor: Carl W. Jones Senior Lecturer in PR and Advertising at the School of Media and Communication, University of Westminster Advertising, and public relations have a potential for motivating progressive behaviours in the public via the mass…

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4th International Conference on Semiotics and Visual Communication (13-15 november, 2020)

The 4th International Conference on Semiotics and Visual Communication is organised under the theme ‘Myths Today’. The event will take place from the 13th to the 15th of November 2020 at the premises of Cyprus University of Technology in Lemesos. It is organized by the Cyprus Semiotics Circle together with the Semiotics and Visual Communication…

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Call for papers: International Conference. Semiosis in Communication 2020 (Bucharest, 4-6 june) (Reminder)

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE SEMIOSIS IN COMMUNICATION Culture, Communication and Social Change Bucharest, 4-6 June, 2020 Download: Call_for_Papers Conference description The third edition of the International Conference Semiosis in Communication: Culture, Communication and Social Change will be organized by the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania (SNSPA), through the Applied Semiotics and Communication…

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Call for papers: International Journal of Marketing Semiotics & Discourse Studies, Vol. VIII, 2020

Call for papers International Journal of Marketing Semiotics & Discourse Studies, Vol. VIII, 2020 Download: IJMS&DS VOL.VIII CFP Submissions for Vol. VIII are accepted from now and until the end of 2020 and will be published immediately upon acceptance based on the journal’s all-year-round publishing policy. You may access the latest published research here The…

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New Issue: Biosemiotics, Virtual Issue No. 1: Jesper Hoffmeyer’s Biosemiotic Legacy

A virtual issue of Biosemiotics in honour of Jesper Hoffmeyer is now online. It features the editorial from Biosemiotics 12(3) (December 2019), “Jesper Hoffmeyer´s Biosemiotic Legacy”, and free access (for a limited time) to all of Jesper´s Springer publications (6 articles and 8 chapters).

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New Issue: Southern Semiotic Review, Issue 11, 2019

Southern Semiotic Review, Issue 11, 2019 (available here) Papers in Issue 11 well address the goals of the journal since it commenced in 2013. Post colonial and geopolitical change resonate with themes of the IASS Congress held in Buenos Aires this year. The role of semiotics to contribute to theatrical, literary and visual arts commentary…

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Call for papers: Conference “Music, Politics, Ideology in the Era of the Internet. Semiotics, cognitive sciences, political sciences, sociology, media studies, cultural studies” (Louvain-la-Neuve, 8-9 May 2020)

Call for papers Music, Politics, Ideology in the Era of the Internet Semiotics, cognitive sciences, political sciences, sociology, media studies, cultural studies Louvain-la-Neuve, 8-9 May 2020 Université catholique de Louvain Centro di studi italiani, Globalit, ISPOLE Download: cfp-music-politics-ideology Organizers: Costantino Maeder (UCLouvain), Mark Reybrouck (KU Leuven, Ghent University), Lucio Spaziante (Università degli studi di Bologna),…

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Call for papers: special issue of Sign Systems Studies

Cultures of the Face Special issue of Sign Systems Studies Guest editors: Remo GRAMIGNA, University of Turin and Massimo LEONE, Universities of Shanghai and Turin Dowload: Cultures of the Face – Call for Papers Sign Systems Studiesis the oldest journal in the history of semiotics, and one of the most prestigious ones. It is presently…

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