Call for papers: special issue of Punctum. International Journal of Semiotics

Call for Papers Semiotics of political communication Special issue of Punctum. International Journal of Semiotics Editor: Gregory Paschalidis In the last few decades the field of political communication is characterized by an increasing degree of pluralization and fluidity. The large-scale crisis of long-established political agents (e.g. traditional political parties, the European Union) has proceeded together…

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1st World Meeting of Early Career Researchers in Semiotic Studies (Medellín, Colombia, May 6-8 2020)

For contacts: Prof. Jorge Eduardo Urueña López. Universidad de Antioquia  Medellín – Colombia  #JóvenesSemióticos / #NewSemioticians • To create spaces that enhance reflection, discussion and sharing of the most recent findings of research in semiotic studies. • To promote spaces for the meeting of early career researchers in order to contribute to the update in theories,…

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SEMIOTICS OF THE DIGITAL FACE 6-10 September 2020, Sozopol, BULGARIA – Deadline for the proposals: 31 March 2020; contact Keynote speakers: Prof. Anne Beyaert-Geslin – Bordeaux Montaigne University, France Visual semiotics (portrait, sensoriality, immersive image) Prof. Stef Aupers – University of Leuven, Belgium Digital game culture and social networks Prof. Massimo Leone – Turin…

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40th anniversary Symposium of the Semiotic Society of Finland (Helsinki, Finland, May 25-27 2020)

CALL FOR PAPERS The 40th anniversary Symposium of the Semiotic Society of Finland The Semiotic Society of Finland, one of the oldest and largest in the field, celebrates its 40th anniversary with an international symposium on The Time of the Signs. Semiotics as a Critical Theory of Culture and Society. It will deal with the…

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Call for papers: 4th Seminar and Symposium of the Academy of Cultural Heritages (Ermoupolis, Greece, October 1-8 2020)

Call for Papers: 4th Seminar and Symposium of the Academy of Cultural Heritages at Ermoupolis, Syros island (Cyclades) , Greece on Oct. 1-8, 2020; Chair Prof. Eero Tarasti; Assistants Lazaros Papoutzis (Florina, Greece) and Paul Forsell (Helsinki, Finland) Theme of the event: Myths and Arts Seminar and symposium are intended for any persons interested in…

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Call for papers: Primer Coloquio de Estudiantes en Semiótica y Análisis del Discurso (6-8 de Mayo 2020, UNAM, Ciudad de México)

CONVOCATORIA Primer Coloquio de Estudiantes en Semiótica y Análisis del Discurso. UNAM, 2020 Download english translation: La Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales (FCPyS) y el Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales (IIS) de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), a través del área de Teorías del Lenguaje del Centro de Estudios en Ciencias de la…

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Call for papers: Revista DeSignis, “Semióticas cognitivas. Nuevos paradigmas”

Call for papers del 1° marzo 2020 al 30 junio 2020 “Semióticas cognitivas. Nuevos paradigmas” Serie Intersecciones Fecha edición designisonline 2021 ; edición papel UNR Ediciones Coordinado por Asunción López Varela (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) y María Lucia Santaella (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Sao Paulo) con la colaboración de Luis Martínez Falero (Universidad Complutense de…

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Call for papers: Revista DeSignis, “El rostro digital latinoamericano”

Call for papers ‘El rostro digital latinoamericano’ Número enmarcado en el ERC Consolidator Grant Project ERC-2018-COG 816640: FACETS: Face Aesthetics in Contemporary E-Technological Societies Serie Intersecciones Coordinación Massimo Leone (Università di Torino, Shanghái University) massimo.leone@unito.itCristina Voto (Università di Torino, Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero) crivoto@gmail.comCon la colaboración de José Enrique Finol (Universidad del Zulia)…

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Call for papers: Revista DeSignis, “Culturas del transporte en América Latina. Redes, practicas, discursos, ficciones”

Call for papers ‘Culturas del transporte en América Latina. Redes, practicas, discursos, ficciones’ Serie Intersecciones Coordinación Wolfram Nitsch (Universidad de Colonia) wolfram.nitsch@uni-koeln.deJörg Türschmann (Universidad de Viena) Wehr (Universidad de Wurzburgo) Fechas de recepción de artículos: del 1ro abril al 1ro agosto 2020 Ver condiciones de presentación de los artículos en Desde su…

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23rd International Roundtables for the Semiotics of Law – IRSL 2021 27-29 May 2021 – Roma (Italy)

Global Semiotics and Everyday Legal Claims Intercultural Use of Law, Interreligious Dialogue and Translation Ethics Organizer: Mario Ricca Hosted by Pontificia Università Antonianum Via Merulana, 124 – Roma Auditorium Antonianum, Viale Manzoni, 1 – Roma IRSL President: Anne Wagner The relationship between legal rules and the spaces where they become effective is gradually morphing….

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Colloque international: Sémiotique: jouer avec des signes, créer du sens, appréhender le monde (4 – 5 mai 2020, Québec)

Appel à communications – Colloque international, n°539 Sémiotique: jouer avec des signes, créer du sens, appréhender le monde Organisé dans le cadre du 88ème congrès de l’ACFAS Université de Sherbrooke et Université Bishop’s – Québec. Download: Appel à communication_colloque_sémiotique_n°539_ACFAS 2020 Ce colloque pluridisciplinaire sur la sémiotique est organisé en collaboration entre des chercheurs de l’université…

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Table-ronde et débat: Faire Sens, Faire Science (5 février 2020, Paris)

Faire Sens, Faire Science Table-ronde et débat Avec Astrid Guillaume (Université Paris-Sorbonne), Lia Kurts-Wöste (Université Michel de Montaigne, Bordeaux), Pierluigi Basso-Fossali (Université Lyon II), Jean Lassègue (CNRS), François Rastier (CNRS), Arild Utaker (Université de Bergen). Mercredi 5 février 17h 30-19h Salons de l’Inalco, 2, rue de Lille, 75007 Paris. Manifestation organisée avec le soutien de…

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