Admissions to Semiotics MA programme in English at the University of Tartu (January 2nd – March 15th, 2023)

The new application round from January 2nd – March 15th, 2023 for the Semiotics MA programme in English at the University of Tartu is open!  The programme has been running since 2009 and our alumni have successfully continued their PhD studies at the universities worldwide.   The admissions website will give all the necessary information about the programme and application…

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Nouvelle parution: “La parola trasformatrice”, di Tiziana Migliore

Cher.e.s collègues, J’ai le plaisir de vous annoncer la parution de mon ouvrage La parola trasformatrice. Strutture, enunciazione, intersoggettività, série Insegne, Milano, Mimesis: Vous trouverez la couverture et l’introduction ci-jointes. Merci de votre attention, Bien cordialement Tiziana Migliore (PhD in Semiotics)Associate Professor of SemioticsDepartment of Communication Sciences, Humanities and International Studies (DISCUI)University of Urbino Carlo…

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Appel à communications: 13ème Congrès de l’IAVS-AISV “Sémiotique visuelle et agentivité” (Septembre 28-30, 2023 – Bogotá, Colombie)

Cher.e.s collègues, Je vous écris pour vous inviter à prendre connaissance de l’appel à communications de l’Association Internationale de Sémiotique Visuelle /International Association for Visual Semiotics qui organise son 13ème congrès du 28 au 30 septembre 2023 à l’Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano, à Bogotá, Colombie. Ce congrès est organisé par l’équipe de Douglas Niño en collaboration avec le bureau de…

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Reminder: International Conference “Fear in Culture and Culture of Fear” (15–17 June, 2023 – Tallinn University, Estonia)

Deadline for submissions: 15 February 2023. The 13th Annual Lotman Conference at Tallinn Universityaims to bring together discussions about fear from various disciplines. Fear plays an important role in human culture on the individual as well as on the collective level serving as one of the constraints that regulates people’s choices and behaviour. However, at times the mechanism of fear seems to spiral out…

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Call for papers: Syn-Thèses, 15 (2024), “Intermedial Crossovers in Audiovisual and Interactive Arts”

Guest Editors: Loukia Kostopoulou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) & Maria-Ilia Katsaridou (Ionian University) Art expresses and highlights social problems; it is usually the case that filmmakers are influenced by other artists or media and these influences are reflected in their work. Bruhn and Gjelsvik (2008) stress the affinities of cinema with other media: “As cinema…

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The Charles S. Peirce Society’s 10-Minute Thesis Initiative: “His Glassy Essence in Relation”

The Charles S. Peirce Society is pleased to invite you to our next 10-Minute Thesis Initiative: “His Glassy Essence in Relation”. It will be held on February 18, 2023, at 3:30pm UTC (10:30am New York; 4:30pm Rome). The 10-Minute Thesis Initiative provides Peirce scholars opportunities to present their works in progress. A scholar presents their…

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Nouvelle parution: Actes Sémiotiques, N° 128

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la parution du numéro 128 des Actes Sémiotiques  ( Ce numéro contient un dossier monographique intitulé Sémiotique du droit, dirigé par Eduardo C. B. Bittar, un dossier d’hommage à Jean-Claude Coquet, récemment disparu, trois textes dans la rubrique « Recherches et analyses sémiotiques » dont un article de présentation de plusieurs anciennes publications…

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New book: “Semiotics and Its Masters. Volume 2”, edited by Alin Olteanu and Paul Cobley

Semiotics and Its Masters Vol. 2 Semiotics has ever-changing vistas in consonance with changes in the ever-increasing complexity of life on Planet Earth. This book presents cutting-edge work in semiotics, projecting developments in the future of the field. Authored by leading semioticians, Semiotics and its Masters, Volume 2 contains essays on learning, transdisciplinarity, science, scaffolding, narrative, selfhood,…

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Lexia, 39-40, “Re-Thinking Juri Lotman in the Twenty-First Century”, edited by Laura Gherlone, Remo Gramigna and Massimo Leone

Anyone wishing to explore the universe of contemporary semiotics will necessarily have to reckon with the founding father of the Tartu and Moscow school of semiotics, Juri M. Lotman (1922-1993). A specialist in modern Russian literature, comparatist and philologist, impeccable archival researcher, brilliant speaker and prolific writer, Lotman laid the foundations of contemporary semiotics, inaugurating…

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(Rappel) Colloque: “Face it ! The New Challenges of Cognitive Visual Semiotics” (25-27 January, 2023, University of Liège)

Cher.e.s collègues, J’ai le plaisir de vous transmettre l’argumentaire et le programme du colloque « Face it ! The New Challenges of Cognitive Visual Semiotics. A FACETS Event » que j’organise en collaboration avec Massimo Leone (université de Turin, université de Shanghai, Fondation Bruno Kessler et professeur invité à l’université de Liège) et Claudio Paolucci (université de Bologne) les 25, 26…

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Conférence: “Écologie et sémiotique. Les sciences du sens dans les humanités environnementales”, de Nicolas Couégnas (26 janvier 2023 à 17h30 – EST, UTC-5)

L’Université du Québec à Montréal et le programme de Doctorat interdisciplinaire en Études sémiotiques ont le plaisir de vous annoncer la conférence de Nicolas Couegnas, professeur à l’Université de Limoges, intitulée « Écologie et sémiotique. Les sciences du sens dans les humanités environnementales ». Cette conférence aura lieu le jeudi 26 janvier 2023 à 17h30…

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