CFP: XIVth Congress on Musical Signification


Music as Cultural Heritage and Novelty

11-15 May 2018, The “Gheorghe Dima” Academy of
Music, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Call for papers ICMS 14_EN

Conference directors:
– Eero Tarasti
– Oana Andreica

First announcement and call for papers
The International Congress on Musical Signification (ICMS) is a biennial conference on recent developments and future trends in Musical Semiotics. It is one of the major platforms and achievements of the project of Musical Signification, launched in Paris in 1984, and subsequently directed for over 30 years by Eero Tarasti.

Following the XIIIth ICMS in Canterbury, the XIVth International Congress will be held in the lively city of Cluj- Napoca, the heart of the historic region of Transylvania. It will be organised and hosted by The “Gheorghe Dima” Academy of Music, during the International Festival “Sigismund Toduţă”, and under the auspices of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS), the International Semiotics Institute (ISI) and the Academy of Cultural Heritages.

Keynote Speakers
– Eero Tarasti, University of Helsinki
– Marta Grabocz, Université de Strasbourg
– Robert S. Hatten, University of Texas at Austin
– Dario Martinelli, ISI, Technological University of Kaunas
– Dan Dediu, University of Music Bucharest
– Gabriel Bebeşelea, Principal Conductor of the “Transylvania“ State Philharmonic

Special attention will be paid to the following topics:
– Topics and narrative strategies in music
– Musical heritage in the age of digitalization and media
– Semiotic theories and analyses of music
– National and Local Composers in the Integration of the European Societies in the 20th and 21st Century
– Popular music studies as the avant-garde of music analysis
– The integration of the sounds of music into the study of culture and society
– The reformation of music theory and musicology with the purpose of the adequate designation of as wide a variety as possible of musical sounds

Call for papers:
20-minute papers and presentations are invited on topics relating to any of the above conference themes
along with those addressing broader notions of musical signification and semiotics.

Submission guidelines:
Abstracts of not more than 500 words (saved as MS Word or PDF file) should be emailed to oana.andreica[at] (under the subject heading: “ICMS 14 paper proposal”) by 15th January 2018. Abstracts should be accompanied by a short biographical note of no more than 150 words. Please add the following information: Name, surname, institutional affiliation, title of proposal and abstract. The main language of the congress is English, but French is accepted as well.

E-mail enquiries to Oana Andreica at:

Conference Fees:
€130 Scholars
€100 PhD Students
€70 Students

Honorary Committee:
Byron Almén, Mario Vieira de Carvalho, Paulo Chagas, William Dougherty, Christine Esclapez, Julius Fujak,
Marta Grabocz, Anna Granat-Janki, Joan Grimalt, Robert S. Hatten, Jean-Marie Jacono, Kai Lassfolk, François-
Bernard Mache, Constantino Maeder, Dario Martinelli, Nicholas McKay, Costin Miereanu, Ricardo Nogueira de
Castro Monteiro, Joha Ojala, Mark Reybrouck, Lewis Rowell, Paulo de Tarso Salles, Anthony Seeger, Esti
Sheinberg, Gino Stefani, Philipp Tagg, Lasse Thoresen, Mieczyslaw Tomaszewski, Heloïsa de Duarte Valente

Scientific Committee
Eero Tarasti, Marta Grabocz, Oana Andreica, Gabriel Banciu, Ecaterina Banciu, Valentina Sandu-Dediu,
Antigona Rădulescu

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