The American Journal of Semiotics Volume 30, Issue 1/2, 2014 Peirce and the Cenoscopic Science of Signs John Deely (editor-in-chief) and Christopher Morrissey (editor) Articles 1.Priscila Borges, Experience and Cognition in Peirce’s Semiotics 2. Garnet C. Butchart, Haunting Past Images: On the 2006 Documentary Film Description of a Memory in the Context of Communicology 3. Gilad Elbom,…
New book: The Semiotics of Animal Representations – Edited by Kadri Tüür and Morten Tønnessen
The Semiotics of Animal Representations Edited by Kadri Tüür and Morten Tønnessen Amsterdam/New York, NY 2014. 376 pp. (Nature, Culture and Literature 10) ISBN: 978-90-420-3827-1 Paper €80,-/US$112,- ISBN: 978-94-012-1072-0 E-Book €72,-/US$101,- Online info: The ways in which we represent animals say much about who we are, who we strive to be, and our often…
New book: Lectures on the Epistemology of Semiotics, Zdzisław Wąsik
The book has been published in print and there is a pdf version available here. Zdzisław Wąsik. 2014. Lectures on the Epistemology of Semiotics. Wrocław: Philological School of Higher Education in Wrocław Publishing / Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Filologicznej we Wrocławiu (Philologica Wratislaviensia: Series Didactica. Vol. 1. Edited by Zdzisław Wąsik). 236 pp. ISBN 978-83-60097-24-3
New book: Annunciazione – Percorsi di semiotica della religione, Massimo Leone
Download book presentation: Massimo Leone 2014 – Annunciazioni – Copertine, Indice, Prefazione, Introduzione generale.
CFP: Cygne noir – revue d’exploration sémiotique
CYGNE NOIR revue d’exploration sémiotique Appel à contribution Sémiotique des mystères Le samedi 8 mars 2014, un avion de ligne de la Malaysia Airlines disparaît en plein vol, et ses 239 passagers enregistrés avec lui. Qu’est-il advenu du vol MH370? En l’absence de réponse, rapidement, les médias proposent des pistes. Le 14 mars, Le…
New Book: Korean Translation “La Semiotique des Passions”
Korean Translation of Jaques Fontanille and Algirdas Julien Greimas “La Semiotique des Passions (Semiotics of Passion)” by professor Ki Hwan YU, Yong Ho CHOI, Junga SHIN, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, Korea.
New Book: Korean translation of Lotman’s Culture and Explosion
Korean Translation of Ju. Lotman’s “Kul’tura i vzryv (Culture and Explosion)” by professor Soo-Hwan Kim, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, Korea.
New Book: Viator in Tabula – Sémiotique de l’interculturel culinaire dans le récit de voyage
Preface The project of this book goes back to approximately 10 years. I came then to collaborate with Beatrice Fink to a special issue of Eighteenth Century Life on the food topography. I proposed then a study that figures in the present volume under a more developed form, on the reactions of an English physician…
New Book: Semiotics and Visual Communication
Semiotics and Visual Communication – Concepts and Practices This book is the result of selective research papers that were presented at the First International Conference on Semiotics and Visual Communication at the Cyprus University of Technology in November 2011 . The conference was structured around the theme from theory to practice, and brought together researchers and practitioners…
Southern Semiotic Review Issue 3 and Call for Papers
SOUTHERN SEMIOTIC REVIEW – Issue 3 (2014) now available at This journal welcomes papers with general semiotic methodology and subject matter, as well as ones with special themes. Current themes include media and video, religion, memory and performance and visual arts. As well as peer-reviewed papers, less formal reviews, commentaries and work in progress are…