New publication of the Hellenic Semiotic Society: Semiotics and Hermeneutics of the Everyday Editors: Lia Yoka, Gregory Paschalidis The linchpin of the momentous paradigm shift that produced the new hermeneutics of everyday life was a focus on people as active agents in various cultural contexts, uses and practices, the merging of the conventional distinctions between…
CFP: Social Semiotics Journal
Social Semiotics, the Taylor and Francis journal, would like to send a general call for contributions. Since its inception in the 1980s, Social Semiotics has pursued high quality research and analysis. It has featured critical investigations of all aspects of culture, language, media and communication, publishing peer-reviewed papers that use methods from visual communication, Critical…

New issue: Sign Systems Studies 42(4)
Sign Systems Studies 42(4) The current issue contains four articles that can be brought together using the general key phrase ‘semiotics of culture extended’, thus proceeding from the main line of thought that has been characteristic of the journal. In addition, we are publishing a self-reflective review of contemporary semiotics in the form of…

5th issue of the Southern Semiotic Review Jornal and Call for Papers
Issue 5 (1) 2015 of this widely read, international blind/peer reviewed journal is now available at: with articles by Augusto Ponzio, Göran Sonesson, Susan Petrilli, Donna West, George Rossolatos, Nicoleta Blanariu, Benson Igboin and Oluchi Igili. Submissions for next issue (s) welcome. Additional submission by same author welcome.

New Book: Semiotics of Popular Culture by George Rossolatos
Title: Semiotics of Popular Culture ISBN: 978-3-86219-556-5 Author: George Rossolatos Release date: January 2015 Pages: 193 Available for purchase (paperback) at Download the Introduction and the Table of Contents from Download sample chapter (A Dio: A Sociosemiotic/Phenomenological Account of the Formation of Collective Narrative Identity in the Context of a Rock Legend’s Memorial) from…
CFP: Chinese Semiotic Studies
Chinese Semiotic Studies Call for Papers Publisher: De Gruyter Mouton ISSN 2198-9605, e-ISSN 2198-9613 Website: E-mail for submission: Dear colleagues, It has been 6 years since Chinese Semiotic Studies (CSS) started the publication of its first issue in 2009. And it is now published by De Gruyter Mouton with 4 issues per year….
CFP: Ocula – Semiotic Eye on Media. The object is the “Semiotics of Economic Discourse”.
Semiotics of Economic Discourse Since the beginning of the crisis, some financial and economic terms have become familiar. Expressions such as “subprime”, “hedge fund”, “derivative”, “spread”, “quantitative easing”, “stress test”, “black pools”, “black liquidity” etc., are now habitual. We listen and read discussions about the distinction between “savings bank” and “investment bank”, between “public deficit”…

New book: Creating Value, The Theory and Practice of Marketing Semiotic Research, by Laura Oswald
Creating Value, The Theory and Practice of Marketing Semiotic Research (Oxford 2015) explains how brands draw actual market value from thecultural myths, social networks, and intangible experiences consumers invest in marketing signs, symbols, and rituals. It guides readers through the process of managing brand value by means of consumer ethnography, cultural analysis, design research, and…
CFP – Biosemiotics special issue: multi-level semiosis
Biosemiotics – special issue Call for papers The journal Biosemiotics (Springer) is preparing a special issue on “Multi-level semiosis: integrative approaches to biology, cognition and culture” guest-edited by Luis Emilio Bruni and Franco Giorgi. In the last two decades there has been an increasing interest in communication processes and sign-systems at all levels of complexity,…

CFP: Lexia n. 21 – Censorship
Lexia, the international, peer-reviewed, SCOPUS-indexed journal of CIRCE, the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Communication of the University of Turin, Italy, invites contributions to be published in issue n. 21. The topic of the forthcoming issue is “Censorship”. Expected publication schedule of the volume: June 15, 2015: deadline for contributions July 15, 2015: deadline for referees September…