New issue of Lexia!

ISLANDNESS. TOWARD A CULTURAL SEMIOTICS OF ISLANDS edited by Franciscu Sedda and Paolo Sorrentino Dire “isola” sembra implicare un senso di chiusura, oggettivazione, naturalità, sintetizzato dal concetto d’insularità. Il volume vuole invece cogliere la soggettività delle isole e di chi le popola. Per farlo tesse connessioni fra mito e storia, utopia e distopia, metafora e modelli,…

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New issue of DEGRES is out!

The last issue of the international journal DEGRES (182-183, fall 2020) has just been published. It is devoted to semiotic approaches of the pandemic. Quels sont les marqueurs sémiotiques qui ont caractérisé la communication de la crise sanitaire de la Covid-19. Dans quelle mesure la variation est-elle le marqueur sémiotique le plus pertinent?  Here the…

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New CFP in French: Technologies numériques, rhétoriques et métaphores

Cahiers du Gerse, 2022 (Presses de l’Université du Québec) Le développement des technologies numériques, à l’exemple de la ville connectée, des données massives, de l’intelligence artificielle et de l’Internet des objets, est appuyé par un ensemble de discours mobilisant de multiples figures et différents topoï. Par divers procédés de langage et stratégies rhétoriques (Perelman & Olbrechts-Tyteca,…

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New CFP: Language and Semiotic Studies

Language and Semiotic Studies is a peer-reviewed academic journal of international scope. Published by Soochow University Press, China, it is an authorized quarterly journal with an independent ISSN (2096-031X) and CN (32-1859/H) granted by the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of the People’s Republic of China. With all its contents appearing…

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New CFP: Semiotics of Contagion

Semiotics of Contagion:Models and Media in a Synergistic Epidemic Special issue of Punctum. International Journal of Semiotics GUEST EDITOR: Gary Genosko Semioticians, linguists, cultural theorists, communication and media thinkers have long been fascinated with scientific models. Philosophers of science have generated theories of models that address the relationships between theory, models, and the world. Today, in the time…

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New issue of Lexia: Semiotics and Digital Marketing

Edited by Cinzia Bianchi and Giovanna Cosenza Oggi la semiotica può dialogare con il Digital Marketing in molti ambiti. Fra questi, ci sono gli studi e le attività di Search Engine Optimization (SEO), il Digital Storytelling, il mondo della Web Usability e dell’Interface Design, l’analisi della User Experience (UX), le ricerche sulla viralità online, il…

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Special Issue of the International Journal for the Semiotics of Law: “The Reasonable Interpreter. Perspectives on Legal and Non-Legal Semiotics”

Edited by Angela Condello, Paolo Heritier, Massimo Leone & Jenny Ponzo The origin of the present issue lies in a number of questions which intersect both the fields of semiotics and of legal philosophy and theory, especially concerning the nature and function of languages, and the function of reasonableness and interpretation in the balancing of…

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New Publication:Autumn Issue of Signs & Media 2020(The Bilingual Version) The exploration of semiotics is always full of vitality. It constantly expands into new theoretical fields and deepens the understanding and interpretation of its theoretical basis. In the section on “Philosophical Semiotics”, the authors revisit the thoughts and concepts of the classical semioticians to obtain…

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New Issue: Punctum-International Journal of Semiotics, Volume 5, Issue 2

We are pleased to announce the publication of the Volume 5, Issue 2  (2019) of Punctum-International Journal of Semiotics, the online, open  access journal of the Hellenic Semiotic Society. This issue is devoted  to “Semiotics of Monuments: Politics & Form from the 20th to the 21st  century”’, edited by Lia Yoka and Federico Bellentani. The…

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