Journal: Sign Systems Studies (44-4)

Sign Systems Studies 44(4), 2016 We are happy to announce the publication of the new issue of Sign Systems Studies. The online issue is available here: Print issue is available here: An international journal of semiotics and sign processes in culture and living nature, the journal Sign Systems Studies was established in 1964…

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CFP: Cygne noir semiotics journal

CFP: Cygne noir semiotics journal

French complete CFP follows (with pdf attached as well). Here is the English snippet : The French-speaking scientific journal of semiotics Cygne noir is now receiving at any time original paper manuscripts developing researches on signs or sharing research results linked to the semiotics field. The langage for the papers is French. Article can discuss…

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Journal: Sign Systems Studies 44(3), 2016

Journal: Sign Systems Studies 44(3), 2016

Sign Systems Studies 44(3), 2016 We are happy to announce the publication of the new issue of Sign Systems Studies. An international journal of semiotics and sign processes in culture and living nature, the journal Sign Systems Studies was established in 1964 by Juri Lotman (initially as Труды по знаковым системам – Σημειωτικη), and…

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CFP: Punctum Special Issue – The Fugue of the Five Senses: Semiotics of the Shifting Sensorium

Call for papers The Fugue of the Five Senses: Semiotics of the Shifting Sensorium Special issue of Punctum. International Journal of Semiotics Editor: Gregory Paschalidis Western thought has privileged sight above all other senses, placing hearing a distant second and touch, taste and smell among the ‘lower senses’. This hierarchy of the senses, manifested through the ocularcentric bias pervading modern thought, has affected…

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International Journal of Marketing Semiotics Vol.IV

International Journal of Marketing Semiotics Vol.IV

International Journal of Marketing Semiotics Vol.IV We gladly announce that the Handbook of Brand Semiotics e-book version is available for free downloading exclusively with the IVth issue of the International Journal of Marketing Semiotics. Visit:

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New issue of Punctum-International Journal of Semiotics

We are pleased to announce the publication of the new issue (volume 2, issue 1) of Punctum-International Journal of Semiotics, the online, open access journal of the Hellenic Semiotic Society. Ιssue 2.1 is devoted to “Art as Concept and Institution: Semiotics of an Evolving Category” and provides a forum for interaction between semioticians, art historians…

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Call for papers: Special number of Semiotica Journal – Meaningful Data

Call for papers: Special number of Semiotica: Journal of the International Association of Semiotic Studies ( Meaningful Data / Données signifiantes Guest editors / Directeurs adjoints : Dario Compagno (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle) Matteo Treleani (Université de Lille 3) Le français suit l’anglais. The human and social sciences are experiencing an influx of quantitative methods which try…

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CFP: Lexia Journal of Semiotics – Aspettualità / Aspectuality

CALL FOR PAPERS: Aspettualità / Aspectuality Semiotics of Aspectuality. Semiotica dell’aspettualità. Sémiotique de l’aspectualité. Semiótica de la aspectualidad. Download full Call for Papers in four languages: call-for-papers-lexia-n-25-aspectuality Lexia, the international, peer–reviewed journal of CIRCe, the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Communication of the University of Torino, Italy, invites contributions to be published in issue n. 25 of the…

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