Cygne noir – Revue d’exploration sémiotique. No. 8 is out!

no 8 | 2020 : Quand ego signe. Sémiotique, fantasme, fantaisie Fantasme et fantaisie partagent une même racine étymologique grecque : φαντασία et φάντασμα renvoient tous deux à l’idée d’apparition, d’image présentée à l’esprit. Tour à tour construction imaginaire, vision hallucinatoire, illusion ou rêverie, la fantaisie est aussi associée à la liberté psychique du sujet, à la…

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New CFP: “The Visual Culture of SARS-CoV-2”

edited by Tarcisio Lancioni and Federica Villa Nel corso dell’ultimo anno, la pandemia di SARS-CoV-2 (COVID 19) ha segnato il modo di vivere di pressoché ogni comunità del pianeta, mettendo a repentaglio la vita degli individui, condizionandone le prospettive e i progetti, e trasformando le forme significanti attraverso cui, nelle diverse culture, si organizzano le…

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New issue of Lexia!

ISLANDNESS. TOWARD A CULTURAL SEMIOTICS OF ISLANDS edited by Franciscu Sedda and Paolo Sorrentino Dire “isola” sembra implicare un senso di chiusura, oggettivazione, naturalità, sintetizzato dal concetto d’insularità. Il volume vuole invece cogliere la soggettività delle isole e di chi le popola. Per farlo tesse connessioni fra mito e storia, utopia e distopia, metafora e modelli,…

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Eero Tarasti: Lectures on Wagner

A cycle of lectures on Richard Wagner by Eero Tarasti is completely available on YouTube! University of Helsinki, Oct. 29, 2020 Professor (emeritus) of Musicology Eero Tarasti Editors of the videos: Felix Siivonen (I) and Aleksi Haukka (II–VII) I Why Wagner? Background, Sources, Life II Flying Dutchman, Tannhäuser, Lohengrin III Nibelungen Ring: Myth and…

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Massimo Leone’s Conference: Encarar las fronteras: rostros, algoritmos, emociones

The conference will take place on October 22 at 12pm on Zoom during the International Colloquium “SPACES & EMOTIONS: passages, territorializations and borders in Latin America” (Coloquio Internacional ESPACIOS Y EMOCIONES: tránsitos, territorializaciones y fronteras en América Latina) organized by Catholic University of Argentina. Zoom link: ID de reunión: 891 4842 9315

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Lecciones de semiótica «Paolo Fabbri»: «La mirada semiótica», Jorge Lozano

El Grupo de Estudios de Semiótica de la Cultura (GESC), en colaboración con el Programa de Doctorado en Periodismo de la UCM, continúa este nuevo curso académico con sus Lecciones de semiótica y ha elaborado un programa de conferencias que girarán en torno a la relevancia del método semiótico como instrumento de análisis de la cultura contemporánea….

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Tenth conversation session in the IASS AIS 2020 Early Career Researchers series

The Academic Committee of Early Career Researchers is pleased to invite you to the tenth conversation session of the IASS-AIS 2020 series. The main topic of this talk will be: Biosemiotics and multiculturalism and it will be held on Tuesday, October 06th, 2020 at 10:00 (Colombia time TOC) / 16:00 (Europe time GMT+1), 17:00 (Europe time GMT+2)….

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