International Open Seminar on Semiotics, a Tribute to John Deely on the Fifth Anniversary of His Passing

We are delighted to announce the opening ceremony of the  International Open Seminar on Semiotics, a Tribute to John Deely on the Fifth Anniversary of His Passing . We would be honoured if you could join us in this exciting beginning of our mutual journey and deliver a short speech sharing your insights in semiotics…

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Sebeok seminars this week

24 November 2021SEBEOK AND FINNO-UGRIC SEMIOTICS(commences 15.00 Helsinki/Tartu; 14.00 Wroclaw; 13.00 London; 08.00 New York; 10.00 Buenos Aires; 21.00 Nanjing) 15.00-15.15: Paul Cobley, ‘Opening speech’15.15-15.45: Kalevi Kull, Anti Randviir, ‘Sebeok and the Estonian connection’ 15.45-16.15: Vilmos Voigt, ‘Th. A. Sebeok the Hungarian.  The road to semiotics’ 16.15-16.45: Eero Tarasti, ‘A Life for Semiotics’ 16.45-17.15: Zdzisłav Wasik, ‘Tom Sebeok’s way to…

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Séminaire “Formes Symboliques”: “Espace et performance : une question de rencontre”, Valeria De Luca (mardi 23, novembre, 2021 17-19 h)

Séminaire “Formes Symboliques” / Centre Georg Simmel-EHESS 54 bd Raspail 75006 Paris Salle A05_51 – 5ème étage – 17h – 19h Séance hybride (voir plus bas) mardi 23 novembre 2021 Valeria De Luca (Université de Limoges) fera un exposé sur le thème: “Espace et performance : une question de rencontre” Argumentaire Comment aborder la performance…

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Webinar series: Sebeok’s millennium

The International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS-AIS) is proud to present ‘Sebeok’s millenium’ – a webinar series celebrating the work of Thomas A. Sebeok 20 years after his death and 101 years after his birth. In 1999, John Deely telephoned Tom Sebeok at his Bloomington home to announce that the following year’s meeting of the…

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Punctum Semiotics Monographs

The Hellenic Semiotics Society announces the launch of Punctum Semiotics Monographs, a series committed to supporting the publication of long-form monographs and edited collections in all fields of semiotic research. Aimed to highlight both original and novel themes and problematics within the semiotic discipline, it invites proposals for volumes from 30.000 up to 60.000 words, i.e.,…

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Interview with Farouk Y. Seif

Live interview with Farouk Y. Seif, Professor Emeritus at Antioch University Seattle, to muse on the de-sign and unprecedentedness of John Deely (1942-2017), the semiotician most at the helm in our age’s boundless trek beyond modernity. The interviewers are William Passarini and Tim Troutman. This interview is part of the preliminary activities of the 2022 International Open Seminar on Semiotics: a Tribute to…

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Actes du Congrès de l’Association Française de Sémiotique: “(DÉS)ACCORDS. À la recherche de la différence propice” (Lyon, 11-14 juin 2019)

Je vous annonce la parution des Actes du Congrès AFS 2019 «(DÉS)ACCORDS. À la recherche de la différence propice». Le volume est disponibile sur le site de notre Association à l’adresse suivante: Bien amicalement Pierluigi BassoAssociation Française de Sémiotique

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StudSemioticDay (June 30, 2021)

On June 30, 2021, the International Center for Semiotics and Intercultural Dialogue (State Academic University for the Humanities – GAUGN, Moscow), under the leadership of Associate Professor Inna Merkoulova, came up with an initiative to establish on this date the first International Day for Students of Semiotics #STUDSEMIOTICDAY. The event is held with the informational…

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Semiotica: Editorial Committee and Membership Survey

Dear colleagues, Please participate in the following survey sent by the editors of Semiotica. The survey hopes to gain insights into current and past practices with Semiotica. Most importantly, we are eager to know more about contributing authors’ and reviewers’ perception of the review process. We do know that the IASS has started preparing multi-language…

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