Massimo Leone’s Conference: Encarar las fronteras: rostros, algoritmos, emociones

The conference will take place on October 22 at 12pm on Zoom during the International Colloquium “SPACES & EMOTIONS: passages, territorializations and borders in Latin America” (Coloquio Internacional ESPACIOS Y EMOCIONES: tránsitos, territorializaciones y fronteras en América Latina) organized by Catholic University of Argentina. Zoom link: ID de reunión: 891 4842 9315

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New CFP: Semiotics of Contagion

Semiotics of Contagion:Models and Media in a Synergistic Epidemic Special issue of Punctum. International Journal of Semiotics GUEST EDITOR: Gary Genosko Semioticians, linguists, cultural theorists, communication and media thinkers have long been fascinated with scientific models. Philosophers of science have generated theories of models that address the relationships between theory, models, and the world. Today, in the time…

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Lecciones de semiótica «Paolo Fabbri»: «La mirada semiótica», Jorge Lozano

El Grupo de Estudios de Semiótica de la Cultura (GESC), en colaboración con el Programa de Doctorado en Periodismo de la UCM, continúa este nuevo curso académico con sus Lecciones de semiótica y ha elaborado un programa de conferencias que girarán en torno a la relevancia del método semiótico como instrumento de análisis de la cultura contemporánea….

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Tenth conversation session in the IASS AIS 2020 Early Career Researchers series

The Academic Committee of Early Career Researchers is pleased to invite you to the tenth conversation session of the IASS-AIS 2020 series. The main topic of this talk will be: Biosemiotics and multiculturalism and it will be held on Tuesday, October 06th, 2020 at 10:00 (Colombia time TOC) / 16:00 (Europe time GMT+1), 17:00 (Europe time GMT+2)….

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Online Course on the Semiotics of John Deely

Tutor: Brian Kemple Semiotics–toward which human beings took their first explicit steps in the beginning of the Latin Age of philosophy, in the work of St. Augustine of Hippo–is that by which we begin in a true postmodernism. This is one of the key and perhaps surprising claims of John Deely (1942–2017). That is, often today what is called…

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3rd Edition of the International Conference on Web Studies

Track chairs:• Everardo Reyes (Université Paris 8, France)• Mark Bernstein (Eastgate Systems, USA)• Giancarlo Ruffo (Università di Torino, Italy) The international conference on Web Studies is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed scientific gathering that investigates the World Wide Web as an object of inquiry. It conceives the Web as an expansive entity: an extended space that reaches…

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Call for papers: Lexia, 39-40, “Heritage and the City”

HERITAGE AND THE CITY – Semiotics and Politics of Cultural Memory in Urban Spaces Guest Editors: Francesco Mazzucchelli (University of Bologna), Maria Rosaria Vitale (University of Catania), Massimo Leone (University of Turin/University of Shanghai) This Special Issue of Lexia aims at bringing together articles that critically reflect, from a semiotic angle, on the relation between…

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Call for papers: Lexia (39 – 40) “Heritage and the City. Semiotics and Politics of Cultural Memory in Urban Spaces”

HERITAGE AND THE CITYSemiotics and Politics of Cultural Memory in Urban Spaces Guest Editors: Francesco Mazzucchelli (University of Bologna), Maria Rosaria Vitale (University of Catania), Massimo Leone (University of Turin/University of Shanghai) “Lexia”, the international, peer-reviewed journal of CIRCe, the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Communication of the University of Turin, Italy, invites contributions to…

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