IASS Congress 2021/2 – call for proposals

IASS Congress 2021/2 – call for proposals The International Association for Semiotic Studies invites proposals from universities and other research institutions to host the 15th IASS Congress in 2021 or 2022. Proposers must be paid-up members of the IASS and should have a good knowledge of the history of the Association and its Congresses. Proposals…

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IASS Election: Notice of candidature for the IASS Bureau

Notice of candidature for the IASS Bureau In line with the Association’s statutes, the 14th Congress of the IASS in September 2019 will feature elections for places on the IASS Bureau and on the IASS Executive Committee. The places on the IASS Bureau consist of the following: President Secretary General Treasurer Vice-Treasurer Vice-secretary General Vice-President…

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Obituary for Elisabeth Walther-Bense

Elisabeth Walther-Bense – Obituary Professor Dr. Elisabeth Walther-Bense was born in Oberweißbach, Thuringia, Germany, on August 10, 1922. She studied philosophy, German and French philology, mathematics and physics at the Universities of Jena and Mainz, and at the College of Technology, Stuttgart, later to become the University of Stuttgart. There, she was awarded her Ph.D….

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Obituary for Vyacheslav Ivanov

Vyacheslav Ivanov, a founding member of the Tartu-Moscow School of Semiotics departed The Tartu-Moscow School of Semiotics, born in the early 1960s as a joint initiative of intellectuals from Tartu and Moscow, was led by Juri Lotman on the Tartu side and Vyacheslav Vsevolodovich Ivanov (21 August 1919 – 7 October 2017) on the Moscow…

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Obituary for Jerzy Pelc

Jerzy Pelc (1924-2017) It is with great sadness that we announce that Jerzy Pelc, University of Warsaw, a honorary president of Institut International de Philosophie and International Association for Semiotic Studies passed away on the 2nd of June 2017. Graduated from the University of Warsaw, he was a student of such philosophers and logicians as…

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Obituary for Antonino Buttita

Obituary for Antonino Buttita Following the death of Antonino Buttita, we would like to offer you the opportunity to pay your tributes to this leading Italian semiotician. Please add your personal comments below this obituary by Gianfranco Marrone. After D’arco Silvio Avalle, Maria Corti, Pino Paioni, Cesare Segre, Umberto Eco, Tullio De Mauro, Gianfranco Bettetini,…

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Obituary for John Deely

A leading figure with one of the greatest minds in contemporary semiotics, John Deely sadly passed away on 6 January 2017. Because he was a friend to so many and an inspiration to even more people who did not know him, we would like to offer you the opportunity to pay your tributes to this…

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Obituary for prof. Bogdanov

With regret and sorrow we must announce that on 5 August Prof. Bogdan Bogdanov passed away at the age of 75. Professor Bogdanov, classical philologist of world renown, was the founder and president of New Bulgarian University, member of the IASS executive committee since 1994, president of the Balkan Association for semiotic studies (1994-1998), the…

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Obituary Solomon Marcus

A true polymath and a fitting representative of semiotics’ inherent interdisciplinarity for so many years – Solomon Marcus seemed to be a ubiquitous presence in semiotics. A prominent Romanian mathematician, he coupled rigour and logic with a comprehensive vision that is the privileged possession of only the most far-seeing historians of ideas. Here, we would…

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