The Semiotics of OthernessNature as the Other: Empathy, Arts & Sustainability26-28 June, 2024Limassol, Cyprus
ECOPHENOMENOLOGY & SEMIOTICS OFCOMPLEX SYSTEMS ADAPTATION : Exploring Experiential Alterations of Sign Processes in Natural and Cultural Milieus
Powsin-Warsaw, Poland, August 27 (Tuesday)-30 (Friday), 2024 An International symposium organized by The Research Federation of WSB-DSW Merito Universities, Gdansk, & The Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, in Cooperation with The Polish Academy of Sciences Botanical Garden Center for Biological Diversity Conservation in Powsin, Poland, under the Auspices of The International Communicology Institute,…
Deadline extension 20 January: Conceptualizing digital reality through metaphors – semiotic and interdisciplinary perspective
Call for papers for Digital Age in Semiotics & Communication Vol VII, 2024 The Internet, new digital technologies, social media, and more recently, artificial intelligence/machine learning services, have caused profound changes in people’s lives globally, all within just one generation. According to Prensky (2001), the digital semiosphere is inhabited by two main subcultures and to…
New issue of Zeitschrift fur Semiotik, dedicated to Italian Semiotics (Vol. I and II)
Link to the official webpage Aus dem Inhalt: Gianfranco Marrone: Accidents and explosions in Semiotic Research in Italy: Introductory Notes Summary. A history of Italian semiotics has yet to be written. This issue therefore has completely different aspirations: more than a history, or even less a geography, its intended goal is that of self-analysis of, roughly…
Reminder: soon comes the deadline for the Call for PANEL proposals for the 16th World Congress of the IASS/AIS, 2-6 September, Warsaw, Poland
Deadline: 31 December 2023 Congress theme: “Signs and Realities” Official submission page:
The Transdisciplinary Challenge of Postdigital Literacy
Thursday, September 21Time: 3:30 – 5:00 p.m. PST PresentersDr. Natasa LackovicDr. Michael LingDr. Alin OlteanuDr. Cary Campbell Register here This in-person workshop addresses the transdisciplinary challenge posed by postdigital philosophy to research in education and specifically literacy studies. This builds on an earlier researchhub workshop and recent research, introducing and articulating the need for transdisciplinary, semiotic and multimodal research in education. While highly insightful,…
Extended deadline to 31 July for EFSS XXVII “Conceptualizing Digital Reality through Metaphors: Semiotic and Interdisciplinary perspective” 6-9 September, Sozopol, Bulgaria
Keynote lectures: “From the Metaverse to the Multiverse: rethinking the metaphors of our digital futures“ Mattia Thibault (Tampere University) “Generative Media: Sign, Experience, and Metaphor“ Everardo Reyes (Université Paris VIII Vincennes – Saint-Denis) “Conceptualizing Creativity: Peirce on Visual Metaphors“ Ivan Mladenov (Bulgarian Academy of Science) Open Workshops: “Conceptualizing the Digital through Environmental Metaphors” chaired by…
15th World Congress of Semiotics IASS – AIS (August 30 – September 3, 2022 / Thessaloniki, Greece)
Semiotics in the Lifeworld The 15th World Congress of Semiotics aims to foreground semiotics as the socially engaged, critical investigation of the sign- and meaning-making processes forming the core of human worldmaking. Semiotic investigation is grounded in the historical lifeworld, in concrete timescapes and semioscapes, in the dense and dynamic weave of semiotic practices that structure…
Hongwei Jia, talented Chinese semiotician and translator, passes away at 44.
By Hongbing Yu Dr. Hongwei Jia, a linguist-turned Chinese semiotician and translator, died on May 24 in Harbin, China. He was 44 and lived in Beijing. The cause of his passing was complications from severe pneumonia due to overfatigue, according to his brother Hongtao Jia. At his death, Dr. Jia was Associate Professor of Linguistics…