Obituary for Antonino Buttita

Obituary for Antonino Buttita Following the death of Antonino Buttita, we would like to offer you the opportunity to pay your tributes to this leading Italian semiotician. Please add your personal comments below this obituary by Gianfranco Marrone. After D’arco Silvio Avalle, Maria Corti, Pino Paioni, Cesare Segre, Umberto Eco, Tullio De Mauro, Gianfranco Bettetini,…

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Obituary for prof. Bogdanov

With regret and sorrow we must announce that on 5 August Prof. Bogdan Bogdanov passed away at the age of 75. Professor Bogdanov, classical philologist of world renown, was the founder and president of New Bulgarian University, member of the IASS executive committee since 1994, president of the Balkan Association for semiotic studies (1994-1998), the…

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Obituary Solomon Marcus

A true polymath and a fitting representative of semiotics’ inherent interdisciplinarity for so many years – Solomon Marcus seemed to be a ubiquitous presence in semiotics. A prominent Romanian mathematician, he coupled rigour and logic with a comprehensive vision that is the privileged possession of only the most far-seeing historians of ideas. Here, we would…

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Novelist, philosopher, historian, public intellectual – underpinning all of these, Umberto Eco was a semiotician, our spiritus rector.. In the coming days and weeks, the news agencies and wider media will track Eco’s achievements, paying tribute to his intellectual might and his forging of paths into hyper-reality and the limits of interpretation. Here, we would…

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Obituary for Ladislav Tondl

Prof. Ladislav Tondl (1924–2015) The distinguished philosopher, semiotician and logician Professor Ladislav Tondl has died at the age of 91. Professor Ladislav Tondl was one of the founders of Czech semiotics, communication theory, philosophy of science and the initiator of the analytical line in Czech philosophical thought. Over long periods of political persecution in the…

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Update on Bureau decisions and various issues arising for the Association in 2015

Update on Bureau decisions and various issues arising for the Association in 2015

Items for discussion: 1. Voting procedure 2. Next two Congresses 3. IASS publications arising from the Sofia Congress 4. Honorary posts 5. Reporting regional activity 6. Website overhaul/online activities 7. Surveying the membership 8. Membership and renewal 9. Establishment of the Ecuadorean Semiotic Society/admit to EC Key KB = Kristian Bankov (Secretary General) PB =…

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Obituary for Prof. GU Jiazu

Dear colleagues, With great sadness, we announce that the former editor-in-chief of our journal Chinese Semiotic Studies, Prof. GU Jiazu, passed away in Jiangsu People’s Hospital on July 4, 2015, aged 74. Prof. Gu was born on July 14, 1941 in Soochow, Jiangsu. He graduated from Soochow University in 1964 and started teaching there upon…

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IASS Congress 2017 – Call for Proposals

IASS Congress 2017 – Call for Proposals

The International Association for Semiotic Studies invites proposals from universities and other research institutions to host the IASS Congress in 2017. Proposers must be paid-up members of the IASS and should have a good knowledge of the history of the Association and its Congresses. Proposals must be submitted in English, in PowerPoint or pdf format,…

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Survey of the IASS membership – still open

The IASS values the views of its membership and is currently carrying out a survey. For members to participate in the survey, the links are English: Spanish: Results of the survey will be published on the IASS website later this year.

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