Colloque international: “Réduction des risques dans un contexte climatique changeant : quelles réponses des villes méditerranéennes ?” (31 octobre et 1er novembre, 2024 / Tunis, Tunisie)

Chères et chers collègues, J’ai le plaisir de diffuser cet appel à communication pour un colloque intitulé “Réduction des risques dans un contexte climatique changeant : quelles réponses des villes méditerranéennes ?” qui aura lieu les 31 octobre et 1er novembre 2024 en Tunisie. Les contributions en sémiotique sont bienvenues. Bien cordialementAnne Beyaert-Geslin

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Journée d’étude “Sémiotique, musée et commissariat. Une approche sémiotique du commissariat d’art moderne et contemporain” (30 mai de 9h30 à 18h / Paris, France)

Chères et chers collègues,  J’ai le plaisir de vous inviter à la journée d’étude “Sémiotique, musée et commissariat. Une approche sémiotique du commissariat d’art moderne et contemporain” organisée par Maria Giulia Dondero (FNRS/Université de Liège), Juan Alonso Aldama (Université Paris Cité) et moi-même (Université de Liège – Université Lyon 2) à l’Université Paris Cité.  L’activité, qui…

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Joint candidacy statement of JACQUES FONTANILLE for President, TIZIANA MIGLIORE for Secretary General and NEDRET KILIÇERI ÖSTOKAT for Treasurer (first mandate for all three candidates)

(suit le texte en français) (sigue el texto en español) Jacques Fontanille, for the position of President Jacques Fontanille is emeritus professor of semiotics at the University of Limoges, and at the Institut Universitaire de France. He is also Honorary President of International Association of Visual Semiotics, French Association of Semiotics and Roman Federation for…

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Candidate for the position of  Vice-President China (first mandate as bureau member)

Hongbing Yu Associate Professor, Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada Distinguished Research Fellow, Nanjing Normal University, China Curriculum Vitae I am currently serving as President of Semiotic Society of America and Secretary General of Asian Semiotics International Association, in addition to key leadership roles at two major semiotic centers in China, to wit, Executive Director of “International…

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Candidate for the position of  Vice-President Asia and Oceania (without China) – first mandate as bureau member

Murat Kalelioğlu Murat Kalelioğlu is an Associate Professor at Mardin Artuklu University, Faculty of Letters, Translation Department. He is one of the founders and Co-Presidents of the Türkiye Semiotics Circle (TGÇ) and among the initiators and editors of the TAMGA-Turkish Journal of Semiotic Studies. Kalelioğlu is also one of ASIA’s founding and executing committee members…

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Candidate for the position of  Vice-President Asia and Oceania (without China) – first mandate as bureau member

Seema Khanwalkar Seema Khanwalkar is a Professor(Adjunct) in Semiotics, Design Semiotics, Anthropology at the Faculty of Design, CEPT University, Ahmedabad India. She is also a Visiting Professor at the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ahmedabad, where she teaches Semiotics, Media and Brand Communications in the Post Graduate Program. She has published in the field of…

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Candidate for the position of Vice-President for Africa (first mandate as bureau member)

Joseph Paré (suit le texte en français) University degrees: postgraduate doctorate, INALCO, Paris (1986), Ph.D., University of Montreal (1996). University grade: incumbent Professor of Semiotics of the system of African and Malagasy Council for Higher Education and Research (CAMES) since July 2002. Academic and educational activities: Administrative and political responsibilities Current position Retired teacher and…

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Nouveau parution: Actes du Congrès AFS (Association Française de Sémiotique) “Transitions : écologiques, numériques, sociales, anthropiques – Les sciences du sens à l’épreuve” (4 au 7 avril, 2022)

Chères et chers collègues, Nous sommes heureuses de vous annoncer la parution des Actes du Congrès AFS (association française de sémiotique) 2022 “Transitions : écologiques, numériques, sociales, anthropiques – Les sciences du sens à l’épreuve” qui s’était tenu à la FLSH de Limoges du 4 au 7 avril 2022. Le dossier se trouve dans la rubrique “Actes…

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