Call for Papers:13th International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
Problems and Possibilities of Computational Humanities
13th International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
IFIP WG8.1 Working Conference
July 4-6, 2011 Fryske Akademy, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
The 13th International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations (ICISO 2011) is the thirteenth in a series of international events devoted to the latest research in informatics in organisations and organisational semiotics. See for earlier conferences since 1995. In this 13th meeting we would like to place a bit more emphasis on the humanities and organisational issues using informatics, computational science and organisational semiotics as our guiding disciplines.
Conference Scope and Theme
The objective of the theme and field of Computational Humanities is the application of computational science and information management to problems that form the core of the humanities. Humanities focuses on communication acts of the human mind and aesthetic value of these, including language, music, art, literature, history, archaeology, and religion. Computational Humanities forms the bridge between the humanities and computational and information sciences. This emergent field of research is still largely an unexplored territory. To shape the field, the activities of capture (digitisation), data management and data analysis need to be performed. As a prerequisite for performing these activities the following four topics will be addressed:
- Pattern detection and recognition
- Modelling and formalisation,
- Semantics, interpretation and signification; and
- Data handling.
Format and Venue
The aim of ICISO 2011 is to provide a focal forum for participants from various domains of information management and information systems, computational science, semiotics, humanities, and business and engineering, being researchers, practitioners, or business and industrial professionals and academics. The conference enables the sharing and exchange of the latest achievements both academic as well as practical. ICISO 2011 continues the effort of the international research community in the development of the emergent discipline of informatics and its applications. Particularly the application of informatics in new realms of research is aimed at.
ICISO 2011 takes place at the Frisian Academy (KNAW) in Leeuwarden, The Netherlands, only two and a half hour train ride from The Netherlands’ main airport Schiphol.
Research papers presenting original work in relevant areas are invited. Industrial and work-in-progress papers are also welcome.
The conference topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Computational theory, concepts, methods and techniques applied in humanities
- Semiotics and practical applications in business and organisations
- Semiotically motivated approaches to information systems
- Information engineering and complex systems for humanities
- Agent-based information systems and humanities
- Collaborative systems to support computational humanities
- Intelligent spaces and built environments for computational humanities
- Information utilisation and technology management for the humanities
- Digital content management and meta-dating
- Formalisation and modelling of descriptive and procedural knowledge in the humanities
- Representation of meaning through crowd sourced intelligence and web 2.0
- Semantics capturing through serious gaming
- Modelling languages for the Dating Problem and for the frame problem
Important dates
Full paper submission: February 15, 2011
Notification of acceptance: April 15, 2011
Camera-ready version: May 15, 2011
Conference: July 4-6, 2011
Submission Guidelines
Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers that must not be published elsewhere and not currently under review for any other publication. The manuscripts in English must be submitted in the provided format (both as Word and Adobe PDF files) and may not exceed 8 pages. All papers will be submitted to the conference through the EasyChair system. All accepted papers will be included in one proceedings volume.
The papers will be selected based on a peer review by three independent members of the program committee. This review process will be anonymous in order to ensure quality and to avoid prejudice. At least one author per accepted paper is required to register and attend the conference.
Conference proceedings will be published by Science and Technology Publications (SciTePress). As in previous conferences, all accepted papers will be submitted to ISTP and EI for indexing.
Conference Co-Chairs
- René Jorna, University of Groningen, Netherlands
- Kecheng Liu, University of Reading, England
Program Co-Chairs
- Cecilia Baranauskas, UNICAMP , Brazil
- Joseph Barjis, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
- Rens Bod, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Niels Faber, Fryske Akademy (KNAW), The Netherlands
- Joaquim Filipe, Technical Institute of Setubal, Portugal
- Daniel Galarreta, Centre National D’Etudes Spatiales, France
- Goran Goldkuhl, Linkoping University, Sweden
- Franciska de Jong, University of Twente, The Netherlands
- Theo Mulder, KNAW (Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences), Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Reinier Salverda, Fryske Akademy (KNAW), Leeuwarden, The Netherlands; UCL, United Kingdom
- Lambert Schomaker, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
- Ronald Stamper, University of Twente, The Netherlands
- Lily Sun, University of Reading, England
- Kumiko Tanaka-Ishii, University of Tokyo, Japan
- Arjen Versloot, Fryske Akademy (KNAW), Leeuwarden, Amsterdam University, The Netherlands
- Frans Willekens, NIDI (KNAW), University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Publicity chair
- Wenge Rong, Beihang University, Beijing, China
Conference Secretariat
- Niels Faber, Fryske Akademy (KNAW),The Netherlands
Conference Contact Details
Conference website:
Conference email address:
Download Call for Papers (Word 2003 Document)
Download Call for Papers (PDF)
For more information about the conference, please see
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