XXth  International Early Fall School of Semiotics (EFSS) 2015 “Ways of Semiotic Research”

XXth International Early Fall School of Semiotics (EFSS) 2015 “Ways of Semiotic Research”

5-13 September, Sozopol, Bulgaria

After the successful XII World congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies held in Sofia in September 2014, the Southeast European Center for Semiotic Studies is renewing its main international event – the Early Fall School of Semiotics (EFSS). This year we shall celebrate the XX edition and will dedicate the school to the young emerging semioticians – advanced MA students, PhDs, post docs. The theme of the school will be “Ways of Semiotic Research” and the main program will consist in seminars, lectures, workshops, fieldwork and different other forms of sharing experience on the most academically acknowledged approaches. Participants will have the chance to present their own projects and receive valuable feedback from affirmed scholars during the PhD Marathon.

Among the lecturers there will be Paul Cobley, Jordan Zlatev, Eero Tarasti, Dario Martinelli, Kristian Bankov, Massimo Leone and others. All major semiotic methods will be presented, included structural and interpretative semiotics, cognitive semiotics, sociosemiotics, zoosemiotics, qualitative and quantitative methods in semiotics, philosophical and theoretical investigations, search engines and big data analysis. The new generation of semioticians should be aware of the whole spectrum of research possibilities which the semiotic approach offers!

The school has a limited number of places, advantage will have students from acknowledged semiotic programs, PhDs and post docs with research topic in semiotics. The school is under the auspices of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS/AIS), for its members there will be only 40 Euro fee (and 25 Euro for those who has already taken part in the EFSS previous years)

The XX. EFSS “Ways of Semiotic Research” is an excellent occasion for the new generation of semiotic students and researchers to meet, to exchange experience, to receive support from affirmed scholars and institutionally by IASS/AIS, to form an international network for future projects and solidaritySozopol is an ancient town and a picturesque resort on the Black sea cost, the beginning of September is still in the active season, there are a lot of cultural activities going on there, nevertheless the prices for accommodation and allowance start from 22 Euro per day.


preliminary program:

For more information infosociosemiotics.net

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