World Conference “DIALOGUE AMONG CIVILISATIONS” – Krakow, Poland

We would like to invite you to participate in the Series 1 of the World Conference
Krakow, Poland
7-9 September 2016.
The concept of the World Conference “DIALOGUE AMONG CIVILISATIONS” refersto the idea developed by the Institute of Political Studies, Polish Academy of Science,Warsaw, following the proclamation of the General Assembly of the United Nationsfrom November 1998, under which the year 2001 was named the United Nations Year of Dialogue among Civilizations”.
We are deeply convinced that reviving the idea will create a unique opportunity foracademics, social and cultural activists as well as politicians to exchange information,views and ideas, and the World Conference “Dialogue among Civilisations” will becomea platform for constructive discussions, leading also to substantial and effective actions.
“Dialogue among Civilisations” is planned as a biannual event, gathering Participants from all over the world. The main focus of this series of conference meetings is placed onthe complex relations between the EU, Asia, Africa and the Middle East observed anddiscussed on multidirectional level, as well as the multilateral relations between theAsian, African and Middle Eastern states.
The “DIALOGUE AMONG CIVILISATIONS” World Conference is aimed to:
1. enhance understanding, tolerance and respect for different cultures within andamong civilizations;
2. suggest effective actions for the future and creating new instruments of inter-civilisational dialogue;
3. support a new type of economic activities, which will allow a parallel andcomplementary stream to globalisation;
4. protect and enhance cultural diversity.
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Series 1 of the World Conference
“DIALOGUE AMONG CIVILISATIONS”, titled “Dialogue among Civilisations and the (Post)Colonial Legacy”, organized by the Institute of the Middle and Far East, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland, on 7-9September 2016, will be a significant event which will offer a unique opportunity todiscuss the past and present of the dialogue between civilisations and cultures and tobring new perspectives and approaches in intercultural understanding.
Conference fee:
500 Euro. For participants from Poland: 350 PLN.
The main topics to be discussed during the sessions included in Series 1 of “DaC” will deal with the challenges, achievements and prospects of the dialogue among civilisations, in the context of the threats of contemporary world, cultural exchange,economic relations, and political issues. Therefore we propose five panels:
PANEL A. Theme: “Dialogue among Civilisations and the Threats ofContemporary World”
PANEL B. Theme: “Dialogue of Cultures – Culture of the Dialogue”
PANEL C. Theme: “Dialogue or Domination? Dialogue of EconomicRelations”
PANEL D. Theme: “Political Issues in the Dialogue among Civilisations”
PANEL E. Theme: “Shaping the Dialogue among Civilisations – Challenges and Prospects”
If you would be interested in joining the international discussion concerning the mostimportant issues of our times, kindly send us the title and an abstract (approx. 200words) of your proposed presentation
by February 15, 2016, kindly stating whichPanel you would like to be included in, to:
Hoping to be meeting you in Krakow in September 2016, we stay with best regards.
The Organizing Committee of DaC” (Series 1):
 Adam W. Jelonek – Chairman
Renata Czekalska, Agnieszka Kuczkiewicz-Fraś – Secretaries
Paweł Dybała
Joanna Guzik
Ewa Kamińska
Magdalena Kozłowska
Karolina Rak Adina Zemanek
Jagiellonian University in Krakow PolandInstitute of the Middle and Far EastFaculty of International and Political Studies

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