CFP: Peirce and His Students – Tallinn, Estonia
Call for Papers: “Peirce and His Students“
Tallinn, Estonia, 21 April 2014
Workshop in the 2nd Applying Peirce Conference (Tallinn-Helsinki, 20-23 April 2014)
It has sometimes been claimed that, unlike many other classical philosophers, Charles Peirce had few or even no intellectual heirs at all. This event intends to establish the extent of relationships between Peirce and his pupils, students, collaborators, successors and inheritors – and to what extent these notions themselves also call for historical and philosophical clarification when it comes to the legacy of a great thinker.
Although having held no permanent academic position, Peirce led the Metaphysical Club and instructed a famous circle of logic and philosophy students at Johns Hopkins University. Moreover, he lectured often, developed correspondence courses, collaborated with a number of scientists, and contributed with his student Joseph Jastrow to what became the field of experimental psychology. His correspondence reveals that many were eager to learn from him, and he designed courses with attention to logic teaching and pedagogy. Thanks to the efforts of Ladd-Franklin and many others, a Peircean school of logic may have been in the making already in his lifetime.
These and many other issues invite a closer investigation of Peirce’s legacy as viewed through his students.
Possible topics include:
– Peirce’s students at the Johns Hopkins University: John Dewey, Allan Marquand, Christine Ladd-Franklin, Oscar Howard Mitchell, Benjamin Ives Gilman, Joseph Jastrow, Ellery W. Davies, Thorstein Veblen, Josiah Royce, Henry Taber. How do Peirce’s teachings show up in their own careers?
– Peirce’s influence on his colleagues and collaborators; his place in academia; his own research groups
– The impact of the Metaphysical Club to the development of science and philosophy
– Students in Peirce’s correspondence; Peirce’s correspondence courses
– Schröder, Ladd-Franklin and other logicians and philosophers pursuing Peirce’s logics; the nature of the Peircean lineage in logic
– Peirce’s influence on Ramsey and the Cambridge community
– Welby’s significs in comparison to Peirce’s
– The reception of pragmaticism in his lifetime
Invited talk by Prof. Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen (University of Helsinki & Tallinn University of Technology).
The workshop “Peirce and His Students” takes place in Tallinn on 21 April 2014, before the second part of the Applying Peirce Conference that takes place on 22-23 April 2014 in Helsinki. There is a 2h ferry ride from Tallinn to Helsinki.
Submissions (max. one page abstract) should be sent to by 28 February 2014. Notifications by 8 March 2014.
Organisers: Jean-Marie Chevalier (Collège de France) & Amirouche Moktefi (Tallinn University of Technology)
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