Journal: Sign System Studies 47 (1/2)

Sign Systems Studies Vol 47, No 1/2 (2019): Special issue: Approaches in Tartu Semiotics

We are happy to announce the publication of the new issue of Sign Systems Studies.

The online issue is available here:   

The print issue will be shortly available at

An international journal of semiotics and sign processes in culture and living nature, the journal Sign Systems Studies was established in 1964 by Juri Lotman (initially as Труды по знаковым системам – Σημειωτικη), and is thus the oldest international semiotic periodical. Originally (until 1992) a Russian-language series, it is now published in English, and has become a central institution in the semiotics of culture.

Starting from 1998, Sign Systems Studies is published as an international peer-reviewed journal on the semiotics of culture and nature. Issued regularly, one volume per year, it is indexed in major scientific databases. Since 2009, each volume includes four issues.

Vol 47, No 1-2 (2019)

Table of Contents

Anti Randviir, From systematic semiotic modelling to pseudointentional reference

E. Israel Chávez Barreto, Funktionskreis and the stratificational model of semiotic structures: Jakob von Uexküll, Luis Prieto and Louis Hjelmslev

Kalevi Kull, Steps towards the natural meronomy and taxonomy of semiosis: Emotin between index and symbol?

Ott Puumeister, Biopolitical subjectification

Andreas Ventsel, Mari-Liis Madisson, Semiotics of threats: Discourse on the vulnerability of the Estonian identity card

Maarja Ojamaa, Peeter Torop, Alexandr Fadeev, Alexandra Milyakina, Tatjana Pilipovec, Merit Rickberg, Culture as education: From transmediality to transdisciplinary pedagogy

Martin Oja, On the concept of the deceptive trailer: Trailer as paratext and multimodal model of film

Jason Mario Dydynski, Nelly Mäekivi, Darwin’s antithesis revisited – a zoosemiotic perspective on expressing emotions in animals and animal cartoon characters

Riin Magnus, Heldur Sander, Urban trees as social triggers: The case of the Ginkgo biloba specimen in Tallinn, Estonia

Lauri Linask, Vygotsky’s natural history of signs

Sébastien Moret, Jakob Linzbach on his life and work

Yurij Lekomtsev, On the semiotic aspects of visual arts

SIGN SYSTEMS STUDIES. ISSN 1406-4243 (print), 1736-7409 (online). E-mail: Postal address: Sign Systems Studies, Dept. of Semiotics, University of Tartu, Jakobi St. 2, 51014 Tartu, Estonia

The online issue is available here:  

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