Invitation to join the Founding Meeting of The International Association for Cognitive Semiotics

Invitation to join the Founding Meeting of

The International Association for Cognitive Semiotics

The founding meeting of the International Association for Cognitive Semiotics will be held in connection with the Eighth Conference of The Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies, NASS VIII, May 29th, 2013 at Aarhus University, Denmark.

Cognitive semiotics is the study of meaning-making writ large: in language and other sign vehicles, as well as in perception, and in action. Cognitive semiotics investigates the properties of our meaningful interactions with the surroundings in all domains, in the natural as well as in the social world. It integrates perspectives, methods and insight from cognitive science, cognitive linguistics and semiotics, placing signs and sign use (in the broadest sense) into the wider context of cognitive, social, and neurobiological processes.

The purpose of the International Association for Cognitive Semiotics is to advance research in cognitive semiotics and facilitate scholarly discussion and exchange in what is a growing field, as well as organizing conferences and other academic events.

The founding of the association coincides with the re-launch of the peer-reviewed Journal of Cognitive Semiotics, which from 2014 will be published by de Gruyter-Mouton. Though the journal is independent of the association, we envision a close collaboration. Members of the association will benefit from an attractive subscription discount among other envisioned benefits.

All scholars interested in meaning-making – linguists, philosophers, anthropologists, and psychologists, among others – are warmly invited to attend the meeting, whose main purpose will be to elect a board. The board will be tasked with drafting a constitution and initiating the work of the association.

Peer Bundgaard

Todd Oakley

Göran Sonesson

Kristian Tylén

Jordan Zlatev

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