International Conference in Turin, Italy. THE MEANING OF CONSPIRACY Plot and Mystery in Communication
An international symposium on conspiracy theories, plot and mysteryin communication. With Umberto Eco, Maurizio Ferraris, Paolo Heritier, Eva Kimminich, Massimo Leone, Peppino Ortoleva, Walter Quattrociocchi, Giuseppe Tipaldo, Ugo Volli, and many others.
Plot and Mystery in Communication
June 8 – 10, 2015, University of Turin, Italy
A cooperation between the Chair of Romance Cultures, University of Potsdam, and C.I.R.Ce–Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca sulla Comunicazione, University of Turin, with the support of the DAAD–German Academic Exchange Service
Monday, June 8, 2015
Sala Principi D’Acaja, Rettorato, via Po 17, Torino
16.00 – Welcome speech | MASSIMO FERRARI and RENATO GRIMALDI, Directors of the Department of Philosophy and Educational Sciences, University of Turin
16.15 – Introduction | EVA KIMMINICH, 16.45 – Break
University of Potsdam
Chair: MASSIMO LEONE, University of Turin
17.00 – “Collective Dynamics in The age of Misinformation” | WALTER QUATTROCIOCCHI, IMT Institute for Advanced Studies, Lucca
17.30 – “One Hoax to Rule Them All, One Hoax to Find Them, One Hoax to Bring Them All and in Pseudoscience Bind Them” | GIUSEPPE TIPALDO, University of Turin
18.00 – Discussion 20.00 – Dinner
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Sala Principi D’Acaja, Rettorato, via Po 17, Torino
Chair: EVA KIMMINICH, University of Potsdam
9.30 – “The Shifting Significance of Conspiracy Theory” | MICHAEL BUTTER, University of Tübingen
10.00 – “Performing and Communicating Conspiracy Theories: Stalinist Show Trials in Eastern Europe during the Cold War”, UTE CAUMANNS, University of Hamburg
10.30 – Discussion 11.00 – Break
Chair: JULIUS ERDMANN, University of Potsdam
11.15 – “Unreal Realities: An Approach to Conspiracy Theories Based on Sociology of Knowledge” | ANDREAS ANTON, Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology and Mental Health, Freiburg
11.45 – “Who Really Profits from Europe’s Islamization?: Conspiracy Theories in German Right Wing Contexts” | AMIR DIZDAREVIĆ and SAMAN HAMDI, University of Potsdam
12.15 – Discussion 13.00 – Lunch
Chair: SAMAN HAMDI, University of Potsdam
15.00 – “About Truthing and Courting: Fragments and Patterns of Social Construction of Reality in Rhetorics, Media and Images” | EVA KIMMINICH, JULIUS ERDMANN, MAREEN BELLOFF and JENNY ZIEMS, University of Potsdam
16.30 – Discussion 17.00 – Break
Chair: GABRIELE MARINO, University of Turin
17.15 – “Conspiracy Dress or le Degré Zéro de la Mode. Notes about the Importance of Being Invisible” | ELEONORA CHIAIS, University of Turin
17.45 – “It’s all President’s Fault. Tricks, Conspiracies, Corruptions in American TV Series Set in the White House: Homeland and Scandal” | FEDERICA TURCO, University of Turin
18.15 – “Tell me what you do not eat, and I will tell you who you are. Food, health and conspiracy theories” | SIMONA STANO, University of Turin
18.45 – Discussion 20.00 – Dinner
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Sala Principi D’Acaja, Rettorato, via Po 17, Torino
Chair: SIMONA STANO, University of Turin
9.30 – “Anti-Semitism, Anti-Zionism and the Crisis” | UGO VOLLI, University of Turin
10.00 – Conclusion of works | MASSIMO LEONE, University of Turin
10.30 – Discussion 11.00 – Break
Chair: UGO VOLLI, University of Turin
12.30 – Lunch
Cavallerizza Reale, via Verdi 9, Torino
16.00 – Honoris Causa to UMBERTO ECO
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