Imatra Summer Congresses of Semiotics 2012


ISI Imatra State Hotel, Cultural Centre

Arkielämän semiotiikkaa: suomalaisten ja venäläisten merkit/
Semiotics of Everyday Life – On the Signs of Finns and Russians

27th International Summer School for Semiotic and Structural Studies
June 7–12, 2012, Imatra, Valtionhotelli
Director: Eero Tarasti, President of the ISI and the IASS/AIS



1) The 31st Annual Meeting of the Semiotic Society of Finland (open also for international scholars), June 9–10; chair: Eero Tarasti (Helsinki); Special themes: Performing Arts (chair:  André Helbo, Bruxelles); Consumption as Signification (chair: Kristian Bankov, Sofia)

2) Nordic Semiotic Paradigms – NASS 25 Years: “Where Cognitive, Bio- and Existential Semiotics Meet?”, chair: Luis Emilio Bruni, Göran Sonesson

3)  Semiotics of Belonging: Existential, Axiological and Praxeological Aspects of Self-Identity at Home and Abroad; chairs: Elzbieta Wąsik (Poznan) and Josef Zaprucki (Jelenia Góra)

4) Metamind Symposium: Modelling of Time and Space; chair: Daina Teters (Riga)

5) Places of Memory; chair: Altti Kuusamo  (Bologna)

6) 8th International Imatra Symposium on Semiotics and Translation,

chairs: Pirjo Kukkonen and Ritva Hartama-Heinonen  (University of Helsinki)


Arkielämän semiotiikkaa: suomalaisten ja venäläisten merkit/ 4
Semiotics of Everyday Life – On the Signs of Finns and Russians

1)  The 31st Annual Meeting of the Semiotic Society of Finland (open also for international scholars)
Performing Arts, Consumption as Signification

2) Nordic Semiotic Paradigms – NASS 25 Years: “Where Cognitive, Bio- and Existential Semiotics Meet?”

3) Semiotics of Belonging: Existential, Axiological and Praxeological Aspects of Self-Identity at Home and Abroad

4) Metamind Symposium: Modelling of Time and Space

5) Places of Memory

6)  8th International Imatra Symposium on Semiotics and Translation

Social Programme


Thursday, June 7
Arkielämän semiotiikkaa: suomalaisten ja venäläisten merkit / Semiotics of Everyday Life – On The Signs of Finns and Russians Imatra-Hall 
Friday, June 8
Arkielämän semiotiikkaa: suomalaisten ja venäläisten merkit / Semiotics of Everyday Life – On The Signs of Finns and Russians Imatra-Hall 
Konsertti: ”L’heure exquise”, Huippuhetki, musiikkia romantiikasta impressionismiin/ Concert, Music from Romanticism to Impressionism Imatra-Hall
Kulttuuritalo Virta Karelia- sali/ Concert at Cultural Center Karelia Hall
Saturday, June 9
1) The 31st Annual Meeting of the Semiotic Society of Finland (open also for international scholars) Performing Arts, Consumption as Signification Emperor–Hall 
2) Nordic Semiotic Paradigms – NASS 25 Years:“Where Cognitive, Bio- and Existential Semiotics Meet?” Koski–Hall
5) Metamind Symposium: Modelling of Time and Space Imatra-Hall
Opening of the International Summer School for Semiotic and Structural Studies Cultural Centre Karelia Hall
Welcoming Reception after the Opening Town Hall
A bus leaves in front of Valtionhotelli to Cultural Centre at 17.30  
Sunday, June 10
5) Metamind Symposium: Modelling of Time and Space Imatra-Hall
3) Semiotics of Belonging: Existential, Axiological and Praxeological Aspects of Self-Identity at Home and Abroad Kilta-Hall 
1)  Performing Arts, Consumption as Signification Imatra–Hall
Monday, June 11
1)  Performing Arts, Consumption as Signification Imatra–Hall
6) Places of Memory Kilta-Hall
4) 8th International Imatra Symposium on Semiotics and Translation           (SemTra2012) Koski-Hall
Plenary Lecture:  Zdzisław Wąsik : Modeling the Solipsistic Conception of Subjective Significance in the Semiotics Spheres of Human Nature and Culture Imatra-Hall
Tuesday, June 12
5) 8th International Imatra Symposium on Semiotics and Translation (SemTra2012) Koski–Hall


Arkielämän semiotiikkaa: suomalaisten ja venäläisten merkit/
Semiotics of Everyday Life – On The Signs of Finns and Russians


Thursday,  June 7
9.30 – 10.00 Registration and coffee
10.00            Opening wordsMayor Pertti  Lintunen (Imatra)Professor  Eero Tarasti (Helsinki)

Vice-rector Galina Sudakova (St. Petersburg)

Viktor Dukaltetenko (St.Peterburg),  accordion

10.45 – 12.30 Ilya Utekhin (St. Petersburg):  Neighborship: Living Together in Contemporary Urban Russia Stanislav Tiunov (St. Petersburg): The history of Russian immigration to Finland
12.30 – 14.00 Lunch
14.00 – 16.00 Pirjo Kukkonen (Helsinki): Ruotsin kieli SuomessaNiclas Sandström (Helsinki): Vaikeuspuheen semiotiikkaa, suomalaisten oppimisesta 

Eila Tarasti (Helsinki): Ikonit musiikissa

16.00 – 16.30  Coffee
16.30 – 18.00 Tero Halonen (Helsinki): Suomalaisten seremonioiden merkitEero Tarasti (Helsinki): Mannerheim, keisarin upseeri 
19.30  Dinner
Friday,  June  8
9.00 – 11.00 Vesa Matteo Piludu (Helsinki): Venäjä ja Suomen karhu – kansanuskosta politiikkaan
11.30 – 12.30 Eero Tarasti (Helsinki):Sibeliuksen suomalaisuus ja venäläiset vaikutteetMart Humal (Tallin): Leo Normetin monografia “Simfonii Sibeliusa” (1968, ilm. 2011)  –  yksi venäjänkielisen sibelianan peruskiviä; Монография Лео Нормета “Симфонии Сибелиуса”(1968, опубл. 2011) 
12.30 – 14.00 Lunch
14.00 – 16.00 Itä-Suomen yliopiston (oppiaine historia)  Imatra-tutkimusryhmän töitäJani Karhu (Joensuu): LähiötutkimuksestaMaria Lähteenmäki (Helsinki): Puhetta nykykarjalaisuudesta

Altti Kuusamo (Turku): Teknillinen osaaminen ja kulttuurin päättelyn typistyminen

16.00 Closure and coffeeViktor Dukaltetenko, accordion
18.00             “L’heure exquise”, (“Huippuhetki”) –   Music from Romanticism to Impressionism – Concert at Cultural Center, Karelia HallTero Halonen, tenori, Eila Tarasti piano, Helsingin yliopiston musiikkiseuran kvartetti (Petrus Laitinmäki, viulu; Mikko Metsälampi, altto; Holger Kaasik, sello; Eero Tarasti, piano) 

Hahn, Fauré, Liszt…


20.00 Dinner
Saturday, June 9
12.30 – 14.00 The lunch meeting will be held at the Emperor Hall
9.00–10.30 Opening Words Eero Tarasti, Göran Sonesson and Luis Emilio BruniLuis Emilio Bruni (Ballerup, Denmark): Embedded semiotics systems. Bridging bio- and cognitive semioticsGöran Sonesson (Lund): From the window to the movie by the way of the mirror.A phenomenologically inspired approach to the cognitive semiotics
10.30-11.00 Coffee
11.00–12.30 Morten Tønnesen (Trondheim): Existential universals: A link between biosemiotics and existential semioticsTimo Maran (Tartu): Biosemiotics and its applications to the study of culture
12.30–14.00 Lunch
14.00–17.00 Lauri Linask  (Tartu): Is Vygotskian perspective suitable for describing the emergence and development of sign?Morten Tønnesen: Introducing semiotic economyClosure
16.00–16.30 Coffee
18.00 – 22.00 Opening Ceremony of the International Summer School:  Cultural Centre, Karelia HallWelcoming Reception in the Town Hall after the OpeningA bus leaves in front of Valtionhotelli to Cultural Centre at 17.30
5) METAMIND Symposium: Modelling of Time and SpaceChair: Daina Teters
9.00-10.30 Daina Teters (Riga): Opening of the symposiumSolomon Marcus (Bucarest): Time Space and MetaphorErnest Hess-Lüttich (Bern): Semio-spatial functions of the ‘Stolpersteine’ (Spatial turn, The concept of Space in Cultural Geography and Literary Theory)
10.30-11.00 Coffee
11.00–12.30 Bernard H. Bikhakjian (Nijmegen, The Netherlands): The Staggered Development of Time and SpaceWinfried Kudszus (Berkeley): Linguistic Emergence of the Time and Space: Paul Celan’s Poetological Reflections 
12.30–14.00 Lunch
14.00–17.00 Daina Teters: Modeling of Time and SpaceFarouk Seif (Seattle): What is Real in not Always True! Modeling the Illusion of Space and Time
16.00–16.30 Coffee
18.00 – 22.00 Opening Ceremony of the International Summer School:  Cultural Centre, Karelia HallWelcoming Reception in the Town Hall after the OpeningA bus leaves in front of Valtionhotelli to Cultural Centre at 17.30


Sunday, June 10
METAMIND (CONTINUED) Chair: Daina Teters
09.30–11.00 Winfried Nöth (Kassel/Sao Paulo): Culture as a Semiotic Space: Yuri Lotman’s Semiosphere
11.00–11.30 Coffee
11.30–12.30 Richard Trim (Marseille, Aix): Variability of Time and Space in Cross-cultural metaphorisation; the Role of extraction levels René Jorna (Groningen): How to Model Time and Space: the non-tangible and semiotics aspectsClosure
18.0 Imatra Rapids Surge
9.30–11.00 Elżbieta Wąsik: Opening/Identity as a Semiotic Property of the Transcendential SelfZdislaw Wąsik (Wroclaw): On the interdiscursive competence and identity of communicating selves in the semiotic ecosystems of human life-world
11.00–11.30 Coffee
11.30–12.30 Anna Granat-Janki (Wroclaw): Music as Political Discourse. On Works of Polish Composers of the Second Half of the 20thCenturySari Helkala-Koivisto (Tampere): Existential signs between musical signification and faceless mind of autism 
12.30–14.00 Lunch
14.00–16.00 Maria Dzysiuk(Wroclaw): Praxeological  ad Axiological Aspects of Liberal Identity in Ludwig von Mise’s Human Action: A Treatise on EconomicsBenoît Mauchamp (Limoges): Participant Observation: a Move Beyond Cultural BelongingJόzef Zaprucki (Jelenia Góra): Coping with Ecological Identity under the Conditionings of Linguistic and Cultural Interference (on the Basis of German and Polish Literary Output in Lower Silesia)
16.00 –16.30 Coffee
16.30 – 17.30 Massimo Leone (Turin): The Semiotics of non-belongingClosure
18.00 Imatra Rapids surge
19.00 Dinner
Consumption , chair Kristian Bankov
09.30–11.00 Kristian Bankov (Sofia): Websites as Possible Worlds of Consumer ExperienceMassimo Leone (Turin): Urban performing arts: on living statuesIlya Utekhin (St. Petersburg): Contemporary Utopia and Placemaking for Sociability
11.00–11.30 Coffee
Performance, chair Altti Kuusamo
11.30–12.30 Eero Tarasti: Proposal for a Theory of Performing Arts
12.30–14.00 Lunch
14.00 – 16.00 Pentti Paavolainen (Helsinki): Transferrable Signs – paradoxes of Kaarlo Bergbom’s Sceneries in the Finnish Theatre Company (1872-1905)Klaus Bernsau (Wiesbaden): Being Brand –Define yourself or you will be definedMuzayin Nazaruddin (Tartu): The Structure of Disaster Discourse in the Indonesian Newspaper
16.00 – 16.30 Coffee
16.30 – 18.00 Sandra Mänty (Oulu): Zoosemiotics in Literature AnalysisOtto Lehto (Helsinki): The Tragedy of Choise and the Performance of ExellenceKyrill Lobkov (Moscow): Zen and meta-consciousness
18.00 Imatra Rapids Surge
19.00 Dinner
Monday, June 11
Performance, closure, chair Eero Tarasti
09.00–10.30 Lazaros Papoutsis (Florina, Greece): Football ‘fan-ship‘ and identities. Football fans and their slogans as creators of political and transcultural identitiesGrisell Macdonel (Helsinki): Temporal Dimension of art music performance; Existential Signs and the performer’s subjectivity 
10.30–11.00 Coffee
11.00–12.30 Solomon Marcus: A Typology of SpectaclesClosure
16.00–17.00 Plenary Lecture:  Zdzisław Wąsik: Modeling the SolipsisticConception of Subjective Significance in the Semiotics Spheresof Human Nature and Culture
PLACES OF MEMORY , chair Altti Kuusamo
9.00-10.30 Kristin Vaik (Tartu): Short insight into different (hi)stories of Estonian exile writers and their worksMaria Barrero Escribano (Barcelona): Le temps passé, le souvenir reste: deux propositions spatiales à l’écart de la temporalitéAltti Kuusamo (Turku): Memory, Public Art and the Rubbish Theory
10.30 – 11.00 Coffee
11.00 – 12.00 Maria Zhuravleva ( Moscow): Existential Self Identity in the aspects of Ouspensky’s teaching
16.00–17.00 Plenary Lecture:  Zdzisław Wąsik: Modeling the SolipsisticConception of Subjective Significance in the Semiotics Spheres of Human Nature and Culture
8TH INTERNATIONAL IMATRA SYMPOSIUM ON SEMIOTICS AND TRANSLATION (SemTra2012) chairs Pirjo Kukkonen and Ritva Hartama-Heinonen (University of Helsinki)Chair Pirjo Kukkonen
9.00–9.30 Pirjo Kukkonen and Ritva Hartama-Heinonen: Opening of the 8th international Imatra symposium on semiotics and translation (SemTra2012)
9.30-10.30 Evangelos Kourdis (Thessaloniki): Semantic isotopies in interlingual Translation. Where the Paris School of Semiotics Meets Translation
10.30–11.00 Coffee
Chair Irma Sorvali
11.00–11.45 Mauro Ferraresi: The Asymptonic Equivalence in Translation
11.45–12.30 Rovena Troque (Genève): La question épistémologique  en traductologie: pour une perspective  basée sur la sémiotique greimassienne
12.30–14.00 Lunch
Chair Ritva Hartama-Heinonen
14.00–14.45 Lia Yoka(Thessaloniki): Painting The Performance of Reading: An Allegory of Signification and Its Limits
14.45 – 16.00 Irma Sorvali (Joensuu): What is ecotranslatology?
16.00 Coffee
16.00–17.00 Plenary Lecture:  Zdzisław Wąsik (Wroclaw): Modeling the SolipsisticConception of Subjective Significance in the Semiotics Spheres of Human Nature and Culture
Tuesday, June 12
Chair Pirjo Kukkonen
09.00–10.00 Ritva Hartama-Heinonen (Helsinki): Effect as a Translation-Theoretical Concept and a Semeiotic Category
10.00–10.30 Niclas Sandström (Helsinki): The Diminutive as a Sign: Towards a Model for the Description of the Semantics and Semiotics of Moders Spanish Affective Derivation
10.30 – 11.00 Coffee
Chair Ritva Hartama-Heinonen
11.00–12.00 Pirjo Kukkonen (Helsinki): Signs of Childhood – Transcending Enchanted Signs: Oscar Parland’s (1912-1997) Swedish Childhood Novels in Finnish, English and German Translations
12.30–14.00 Lunch
14.00–15.00 Round Table: Chairs: Pirjo Kukkonen & Ritva Hartama-Heinonen: Translation: Events and EffectsClosure
Friday, June 8
18.00            “L’heure exquise”  (“Huippuhetki”) – Music from Romanticism to Impressionism – Concert at Cultural Center, Karelia Hall Tero Halonen, tenori, Eila Tarasti piano, Helsingin yliopiston musiikkiseuran kvartetti (Petrus Laitinmäki, viulu; Mikko Metsälampi,  altto; Holger Kaasik, sello; Eero Tarasti, piano)


Hahn, Fauré, Liszt….


A bus leaves in front of Valtionhotelli to Cultural Centre at 17.30

Saturday, June 9
18.00 – 22.00 Opening of the International Summer SchoolImatra, Cultural Centre, Karelia HallWelcoming Reception in the Town Hall after the Opening

A bus leaves from front of Valtionhotelli to Cultural Centre at 17.30

Sunday, June 10
18.00 Imatra Rapids Surge
Monday, June 11
16.00–17.00 Plenary Lecture:  Zdzisław Wąsik (Wroclaw): Modeling the SolipsisticConception of Subjective Significance in the Semiotics Spheresof Human Nature and Culture
Exhibition Art exhibition: Cultural  Signs and  Places of Memory,oil paintings with some ISI photographs by Valery Bogdanov (Svetogorsk, Russia)

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