IASS Election: Notice of candidature for the IASS Bureau

Notice of candidature for the IASS Bureau

In line with the Association’s statutes, the 14th Congress of the IASS in September 2019 will feature elections for places on the IASS Bureau and on the IASS Executive Committee.

The places on the IASS Bureau consist of the following:

Secretary General
Vice-secretary General

Vice-President Africa
Vice-President Americas
Vice-President Asia
Vice-President Europe
Vice-President Oceania

Statements of candidature should be in the following format:

No more than 500 words, including a 250-word narrative CV of the candidate + a 250-word platform or manifesto of the candidate for the future of the IASS + an indication of the Bureau post for which the candidacy is offered.

Statements of candidature should be forwarded to the current Vice-secretary General, Priscila Borges


and must reach her by no later than 5 April 2019.

Candidates must be paid-up members of the IASS, have a good knowledge of the history of the Association and its Congresses, as well as being scholars of international standing.

Download PDF: Notice of candidature for the IASS Bureau

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