IASS Election: Neyla Pardo Vice-President Candidature
Candidate for Vice-President
Bogotá – Colombia
PhD in Hispanic Linguistics, MA in Hispanic Linguistics, and MA in Administration and Educational Supervision. She has worked for more than 30 years as a teacher and researcher at different universities in the country and abroad. Full Professor of the Department of Linguistics of Universidad Nacional de Colombia and researcher linked to Instituto de Estudios en Comunicación y Cultura (IECO) of the same University; she has obtained different distinctions for her academic and administrative work. She is also Researcher Emeritus of Colciencias 2018; Coordinator of Grupo Colombiano de Análisis del Discurso Mediático (category A1 Colciencias); and member of international research networks such as Questioning Traumatic Heritage: Spaces of Memory in Europe, Argentina, Colombia SPEME – HH2020-EU: 778044. She was president of Federación Latinoamericana de Semiótica –FELS- (2012- 2017), and currently holds the position of Scientific Director at the same organization. In addition, she is part of Red de Laboratorios en Cognición. LIICCC- UNC – U. Heidelberg; Asociación Latinoamericana de Estudios del Discurso (ALED), and Red Latinoamericana de Analistas del Discurso sobre la Pobreza (REDLAD). Her research focuses on the fields of Multimodal and Multimedia Critical Discourse Studies, Communication and Culture. She is currently working on a research project called “Procesos y prácticas de memorialización. Narrativización del conflicto y construcción de memorias hacia una cultura de paz” that is carried out in the framework of an inter-institutional agreement between Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Università di Bologna, Universiteit van Amsterdam and Universidad de Buenos Aires.
Recent publications: Co-author in the article “Construcción de agendas mediáticas en el marco del proceso y Pobreza y bienestar en Colombia: Prácticas mediáticas y políticas discursivas”, in “Pobreza en la prensa hegemónica de Colombia, Argentina y Brasil” (2018); autor of the chapter “Media coverage of voices of Colombia’s victims of dispossession”, in the book “Semiotics and its Masters” (2017); and autor of the book “Aproximación al Despojo en Colombia. Representaciones mediáticas (2017). Editor of the books “Semiótica: Comunicación, cultura y cognición” (2017) and “Semióticas, Materialidades, discursividades y Culturas” (2017).
Candidacy for the Vice Presidency – Latin America of the IASS-AIS – Work Plan
– Promote and disseminate Latin American scientific production in disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary fields that involve the development of Semiotics and its applications.
– Support and encourage on behalf of the IASS the creation of national associations of Semiotics throughout Latin America.
– Strengthen the organization of national congresses in Latin America countries.
– Encourage the registration and participation in the IASS of the national associations and researchers from all the countries of the continent.
– Support the decisions and proposals of the IASS board and communicate them to the researchers of Latin America.
-Contribute to strengthen bonds of academic cooperation that guarantee the formation of Latin American networks and research groups for the production of scientific knowledge in our areas.
-Make visible, through the IASS web, all the activities (publications, congresses, postgraduate, seminars, etc.) that take place in Latin America.
– Promote the participation of young researchers and postgraduate students in the activities of the IASS.
– Manage active cooperation between the IASS and the organizations and associations of Semiotics that operate in the continent.
Bogotá, March 2019
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