Final CFP: The Eighth Conference of the Nordic Association of Semiotic Studies
Final Call for Papers and Theme Sessions of the Eighth Conference of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies (NASS):
NB: Notice that we have extended the deadline for theme session proposals to Jan 31st and we added another plenary speaker: Nicolas Fay (University of Western Australia)
Sign evolution on multiple time scales
We hereby invite submission of abstracts for oral or poster presentations for the Eighth Conference of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies (NASS) to be held at the Center for Semiotics, Aarhus University, Denmark, May 29th – 31st, 2013
The theme of this year’s conference is the evolution of signs, and will thus – among many others – address the following questions:
What are the basic mechanisms and conditions for the emergence of new signs and sign systems (such as codes, notational systems, verbal and sign languages, gesture, graphical symbols, pictorial expression, etc.)?
To which extent should we search for these mechanisms at the level of biology, culture, cognition, phenomenological experience or interaction?
And what are the relevant features of signs themselves making them emerge, survive and propagate in contexts of communication?
The conference brings together international scholars from a range of disciplines each addressing these questions in relation to particular time scales ranging from biological and cultural evolution to ontogeny and online social interaction.
Presentations should address aspects of how signs and sign systems emerge and develop on different time scales. Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Sign emergence and development on an evolutionary time scale
- Sign emergence and development on a cultural, historical timescale
- Sign emergence and development on an ontogenetic time scale
- Sign emergence and development on an online interactive time scale
- Cultural perspectives on sign emergence and development
- Cognitive perspectives on sign emergence and development
- Dynamical systems perspectives on sign emergence and development
- Phenomenological perspectives on sign emergence and development
- Neurological perspectives on sign emergence and development
- Biological perspectives on sign emergence and development
Confirmed Plenary Speakers:
Luc Steels (ICREA Barcelona and Sony Computer Laboratory Paris)
Jordan Zlatev (Lund University)
Fatima Cvrckova – (Charles University, Prague)
Bruno Galantucci (Yeshiva University, NY)
Susan Goldin-Meadow (University of Chicago)
Winfried Nöth (University of Kassel)
Nicolas Fay (University of Western Australia)
Paper submissions:
Abstracts should be no more than 300 words and should be sent as an attachment to in doc, docx, ort or pdf format. Please do not include name or contact details in the text file. Specify in a cover mail your Title, Name, Affiliation, and whether the abstract is intended for oral or poster presentation. Please also indicate if your abstract should be considered part of a theme session (if you are taking part in organizing one) and if would be willing to present a poster if the abstract is not accepted for oral presentation.
Deadline: January 31
Theme Sessions proposals:
Proposals for thematic sessions should contain an abstract of no more than 300 words describing the theme. It should also specify the name and affiliation of the organizer(s) and a list of people that would potentially like their presentation to be part of the theme session (IMPORTANT: each participant should still submit her own individual paper abstract that will go through regular peer review). The theme session proposal should be send to as an attachment in doc, docx, ort or pdf format. Please specify in a cover mail the Title, Name(s) and Affiliation(s) of the theme session organizers and the title of the theme session proposal. Theme session organizer(s) may be contacted about the potential inclusion of additional papers from general submission if these seems to fit the proposed theme.
Deadline: December 31/NB extended deadline: Jan 31st
Important Dates
- October 5: First Call for Papers and Theme Session Proposals
- December 1: Second Call for Papers and Theme Session Proposals
- New deadline: January 31: Deadline for theme session proposals
- January 31: Deadline for abstract submission
- March 15: Notification of acceptance
- April 1st: Registration opens
- May 29 – May 31: Conference
If you have any questions or comments related to the conference organization, please email Kristian Tylén: The official conference website will soon be available following
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